Contoure refrigerator experience?

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Oct 8, 2023
Vessel Make
Marine Trader Tradewind 43
Camping World has a 10.7 cubic foot 12V refrigerator that looks great (at a better price than Norcold). Does anyone have any experience with these products? The only negative in the reviews seems to be around the locking mechanism for the doors. Thank you!
No experience with that brand but about 3 years ago we put in an Isotherm that is about 10 cubic feet. It has been awesome. It is the first marine refer that we have not had to run on the max setting. It goes from 1 to 8 and we gradually turned it down to 3 and it freezes ice cream. The key is to install it with good ventilation. A vent low and a vent high in the cabinet to let the hot air out. I also add a low draw fan to help move the hot air up and out of the cabinet.
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No experience with that brand but about 3 years ago we put in an Isotherm that is about 10 cubic feet. It has been awesome. It is the first marine refer that we have not had to run on the max setting. It goes from 1 to 8 and we gradually turned it down to 3 and it freezes ice cream. The key is to install it with good ventilation. A bent low and a vent high in the cabinet to let the hot air out. I also add a low draw fan to help move the hot air up and out of the cabinet.
We looked at the Norcold. It said it was 9.7 cubic feet. Is that the same one? How is the storage area and shelving?
No, we have an Isotherm CR271. I don’t like Norcold personally.
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