Coolant - scam?

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Sunchaser, no fair flogging me when I'm hurting! I get way more pleasure out of a gallon of Porchclimber than a gallon (well, a US pretend-a-gallon) of Prestone. The buyer's remorse is much more tolerable.

I used to fly into Lauderdale quite often and would pick up a drum of rum or gin or whatever, because it was so cheap. Some of those boozy warehouses were irresistible. We could also buy beer and wine in Costco in Montreal and it is way cheaper back there than in BC.
Use 60% distilled water and 40% AF. Use orange if your AF comes in contact w aluminum engine parts ... green if it dosn't.

..... IMO

One needs to read the labels and not go by the color of the coolant. My Ford Diesel came with a gold colored coolant. My JD diesel tractor engine has green colored coolant. Both are the same chemistry but different colors. I used the JD green coolant in both the truck and tractor because it is cheaper and easier for me to buy.

Of course the JD green coolant is completely different than the green colored stuff in the wife's gas burning vehicle.

Looked like Mr. d was getting lost in all the details and needed a compressive and direct answer to get focused back on the ball.

But I didn't know about the green/orange change. Most engine manuals do spec all fluids though.
dhmeissner and RTF, check the caps on your coolant fillers for condition. I replaced mine at, I suspect, 31 years, they looked original. The overflow and loss of coolant reduced immediately. The original caps are a modest 4 psi. I think there is a higher psi, maybe 6 or 8, for modified tank fillers which AD put out.


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...... Use orange if your AF comes in contact w aluminum engine parts ... green if it dosn't....... IMO

Disregarding the color, that advice is a direct contradiction of Volvo's advice to never mix the two different types of coolant and not to try to change to the newer type in an older engine because you can never completely eliminate traces of the old.

The engine maker's recommendation (requirement) rules if you want long life from your engine. And plain water is never a good "coolant" regardles of climate or engine room heaters. A proper mix of coolant provides better heat transfer and corrosion protection even if the "antifreeze" properties are not necessary.

Bottom line - Get out the book, read it and do what it says.
Indeed da book is good.

But time goes by and things change. Like now I think almost (or all) AF mixes w all other AF. Irregardless of color and I think the gelling that was a problem is no longer as well. At least I read that on all the products I come in contact with. So not only do we need to read da book but READ the CAN or bottle.

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