Cruisair air conditioning

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Senior Member
Nov 11, 2020
We see Cruisair air conditioning is now sold as a Dometic product. Our experience with Dometic in the rv world is that it is not very high quality and warranty experience was not very good.

If you have any experience with Cruisair we'd love to hear.
We see Cruisair air conditioning is now sold as a Dometic product. Our experience with Dometic in the rv world is that it is not very high quality and warranty experience was not very good.

If you have any experience with Cruisair we'd love to hear.
Geez, I have a Cruisair split unit in my aft cabin that is at least 20 years old, maybe older. We are full-time wintering in Maryland. On reverse cycle heat, these units are supposed to quit producing heat when the water temp reaches to a low of 40F degrees. Water temp is now 33 degrees here and this unit is still producing heat at 34 degrees in excess of room temp. When the water temp was 45F, I was getting 50 degrees in excess of room temp.

We had to replace the same unit in the main cabin last spring because the reversing valve had stuck likely midway because it would neither heat nor cool. We went with an all-in-one unit. It quit producing heat heat at 40F as the manual said it would.

By the way, for folks having reverse cycle you would be wise to reverse the output from time to time to exercise the reversing valve. I do believe that manufacturers recommend doing so to prevent that eventuality. I didn't and paid the price.

My point is that my experience with Cruisair has been good.
"By the way, for folks having reverse cycle you would be wise to reverse the output from time to time to exercise the reversing valve. I do believe that manufacturers recommend doing so to prevent that eventuality. I didn't and paid the price."

This is very good advice for the folks that have an RV rooftop style air cond.!!!
I have three all-in-one CruisAirs on my boat. Two are 30+ years old, and one is actually one of the blue ones which I believe is 40 years old. Works great. No issues at all.
We had pre-Dometic MarineAirrrr reverse cycle ACs in our last boat and they worked well. We did eventually replace them with more efficient now-Dometic "Turbo" (now DTX or DTG or some such) units that come in both MarineAirrr and Cruisair flavors... and we liked the improvements the new systems brought to the table. Didn't have that boat long enough afterwards to judge longevity or Dometic warranty service, though.

This boat... all 5 units are 15-year-old pre-Dometic Cruisair systems. One has failed soon after we took possession and will be replaced with the newer DTX/G/whatever thing sometime over the next couple months. I'm looking forward to the improvements. Still can't say much one way or the other about Dometic quality or warranty.

Reading suggests all the other reverse cycle AC companies also have their share of issues; doesn't seem like Dometic is any worse than others.

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I have two split Cruiseair units and one all in one unit. One of the split units failed at 11 years old and I replaced it. They are no longer making the split units so I'm not sure what I will do in the future. All units work well, but I do find them to be more expensive than other manufacturers.
We are into our sixth season with a Dometic 40 litre fridge/freezer. 12V TO 240V smart switch.
Totally trouble free so far, very quiet in use, used at least five months every year.
Little censure in Europe of Dometic products.
Air con in the UK is NOT an essential service.
Bloody good heating, however, is!
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