Cruisair SMX ir Replacement

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Senior Member
Mar 25, 2021
Vessel Name
Black Horse
Vessel Make
Med Yachts 62
I have a SMX ir control panel with a "Down" temperature control button that has stopped working. I see online that this is a common problem with these units as the membrane push buttons are prone to failure.
Rather than replace it with another unit that will soon fail again, can I use a different model control head?
I have a SMX ir control panel with a "Down" temperature control button that has stopped working. I see online that this is a common problem with these units as the membrane push buttons are prone to failure.
Rather than replace it with another unit that will soon fail again, can I use a different model control head?

How old is the original? Our 4 of our 5 SMXir panels are original, 18 years old, working fine... and that 5th one was only replaced last year.

(Looking for some wood to knock...)

Thanks for the replies. It looks like all of the alternatives are priced above the OEM units. Even the Flight Systems SMXII that would work requires a $45 adapter cable and a different footprint mount.
Before you get a replacement you might want to check that this isn't a wiring issue from the membrane switch to the control board. I can't remember what that looks like but if it's a ZIF connector then try reseating it and see if that sorts out the issue. It's a longshot but easy to try.

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