Data Plate

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Apr 16, 2018
Montgomery, Tx
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
36 Grand Banks Europa
Not sure about the other captains on here, but my boat came with a nifty binder with all kinds of data in it.

Problem is, when going through locks, checking bridge heights, marina spaces, or contacting the Coast Guard I had to send someone to go get it.

I had Bernard Engraving make me a pair of data plates that I will attach at each helm.
It has all the data I could ever need in front of me.

To make it a decent order I also bought new legends for my battery voltage displays.

About $ 15.00@

Data Plate.jpg
Great idea.

I have that information stuck in a few different places. I don’t have many bridges to deal with and those that are around are plenty tall. Air height is therefore not anything I have to be particularly worried about. Beam, LOA and Draft are easy to remember; 12’7”, 45’, and 4’6”.

I don’t recall how far down the depth transponder is but it doesn’t matter. When sitting in about 10’ of water over a flat sandy bottom, I used a lead line to check depth and then set my depth sounder’s offset to display water under the keel. I did create a label that I put on my depth sounder display that reads “Depth under Keel”. So no thinking involved. If it shows 6’ I know that I have 6’ feel of clearance. No math involved.
Here's one I made to keep at the helm.


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