Dauntless Crosses the Atlantic Again

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Thanks Lou. Richard was a weather guy in the military so he knows how to talk like that.
I must admit it is a veryneffective way to transmit a lot of information in a limited message size.
But do not think I knew that, I just asked him :)
Some fresh news from Richard:

For the last 7 days, I've tried to head SW, but can only do so when the winds are NE -E.
Every day, we've had significant periods of SE winds. That makes me go W.
I expect to arrive with 150 gallons of fuel, so now my destination is open as I'm being pushed more west than south.
He might consider changing his destination from Barbados to one of the more northern islands.
The Krogen is sure loving the following seas. I know he is happy he has them.
I just communicated with Richard. He is considering alternate ports of entry north of Barbados. He queried about which one might be best, regarding entry permit cost and fuel costs.

I've been down there but do not have enough experience to give him any advice of value.

Any favorites that don't take him too far west? Too much west and he is going to be pushing fuel range.
I just communicated with Richard. He is considering alternate ports of entry north of Barbados. He queried about which one might be best, regarding entry permit cost and fuel costs.

I've been down there but do not have enough experience to give him any advice of value.

Any favorites that don't take him too far west? Too much west and he is going to be pushing fuel range.

It's pretty simple, pick the closest island on the course the boats happiest at and head for it. Clear in, get some rest and then move from there.
Any of the French Territories will the be the easiest. The French are very civilized. They don't really care about boaters. Most of the others are independent with some pretty old check in procedures. We've been through the Eastern Caribbean twice, top to bottom and pretty much checked into them all.

As far as fuel goes it's market rate and all imported. The islands are so close he can pick a close one after he gets checked.
Went to Martinique twice, it is a very beautiful Island with much modern facilities and there are many marina there. The biggest is Le Marin in the South.
Larry M thank you it is flattering to say so :).
However fuel price may be on the high end and in Euro.
I just looked at his position. I'd recommend either St Johns (USVI) or Guadeloupe. Both should be hassle free.

St. John's used to have the cheapest fuel too.

But I believe they closed the refinery.

He says he'll end up with 150 gallons on board once he arrives, so he can go pretty much wherever he wants to get fuel after he clears in somewhere.
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Anyone who is communicating with Richard, marinas are in short supply (winter and Christmas). St John's has a couple hundred moorings. He can just grab one and call his arrival in. He'll be told where to go. Guadeloupe; he can anchor and wait till he's rested up and check in. They don't care. The last time we checked in was at an internet café. We never had to see anyone wearing epaulettes.
Arrival point change - assistance requested for recommendations.

Just chatted with Richard, here is what he said -- my summary & words to make complete sentences ......
"I expect to arrive with 150 Gal remaining." So fuel all ok.

Due to the seas & weather we are being pushed more west & north than the south heading we wanted to take & that we originally planned.

So now my original destination of the most eastern island in the Windward islands of Barbados is out of the mix. So being pushed up more toward the Leeward islands than we wanted.

Right now with seas & weather as it is, I don't think I can landfall south of Martinique & not north of Antigua.

If I tried to continue south to Grenadines direct it adds 230 NM, fuel concerns & Plus time & I want to be in Panama Canal by mid Feb.

Keeping in mind that wanted route after landfall & refuel & replenish stores is to head south to Grenadines for 2 weeks & then to Granada & ABC Isl & head from there west to Panama Canal. So US & BR Virgin Islands are a bit to far north than I want to go at this time.

Looking at Antigua now as it is same distance as Barbados from current location & may be more interesting for me, but concerned about the cruising permit fees, etc. - Can some one research that fees & expenses issue for me ? some are $ 10 & other are $ 300 ! -- Info Should be available on cruisers web site called :
" Noonsite.com ". Full of cheap sailors like me.

Don't know for sure for this time of year, but there is some concern that these same winds & seas & currents currently experiencing are also in the Caribbean, so would still have some issues going south west. Don't like bashing.

New Plan - What ever Isl. we land fall at, then south to Grenadines 2 weeks, then Grenada, Bonair, Cur, Aruba, etc. & maybe Columbia & then Colon @ Panama Canal.

Any known recommendations to save in expense and ease if entry along with anything that is preferable for our needs info is welcomed.

Richard Bost
"Don't know for sure for this time of year, but there is some concern that these same winds & seas & currents currently experiencing are also in the Caribbean, so would still have some issue"

I thought he was a trained meteorologist? :confused:

And yes, those winds extended down into the Caribbean.


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Curently sending him info about fees on different islands.
Ck in Fees & cruising permit fees & check in procedures

Thanks Lou.
I have not been in to those southern windward & eastern leeward islands except for the more north west US & BR Virgin islands .
Glad you can help him out.
Sounds like Martinique Isl. is best N - S location wise & Guadeloupe Island looks like good back up as possible good candidates. maybe UK managed Dominica Isl. is a good back up to them.
What do the Check in & cruise permit fees & fuel costs look like for these islands ?

It's pretty simple, pick the closest island on the course the boats happiest at and head for it. Clear in, get some rest and then move from there.

100% agree. Now isn't the time to risk running out of fuel or other issues over passing the most convenient port by to try to find something cheaper.
Thanks Lou.
I have not been in to those southern windward & eastern leeward islands except for the more north west US & BR Virgin islands .
Glad you can help him out.
Sounds like Martinique Isl. is best N - S location wise & Guadeloupe Island looks like good back up as possible good candidates. maybe UK managed Dominica Isl. is a good back up to them.
What do the Check in & cruise permit fees & fuel costs look like for these islands ?


It's obviously hard to extend his trajectory, but it sure looks to me like if he doesn't retake control of his path and lets it continue as it's been heading he could end up north of even the BVI and then he would have a problem making landfall. My only advice to him right now would be to head to the nearest port from where he is. First one he can get into, go into. I'd go to the "Any port in a storm" view, except "Any Port when exhausted, off course, and low on fuel." He can't continue to let the winds push him further north though.

Does the person with him have any experience?
I sent him a bunch of info about fees on islands from BVI to Martinica. French territories have the benefit to not require cruise permit, on the other hand fuel rate may be higher then in place like puerto rico because of French taxes and as it is in euros. I asked him to see what would be his top choice so I can find him more info. I did not went to all islands but a bunch there (mainly for scuba diving and not by boat) and Martinique is one of my top place. He will be able to find everything there and if he wants to stays some days he will have tons of things to visit.
On the opposite islands like Saba or Statia (st eustasius) are very nice but there is pretty much nothing there except diving, and if he needs anything for his boat it will be hard to get in these places.
Woke up with a Bang ! What was that noise !

Richard was sleeping & was suddenly awoken by the sound of a loud BANG ! :eek:
Ut Oh .... Preventer pole to Para-vane broke.
No one hurt. It is middle of the night & pitch black night.
Just bad luck of the item breaking.
Had to change course to 275 degrees due to sea conditions.
On top of that winds are now creating large steep seas on Port beam along with South east winds & are pushing him more north & wind blowing at 30 Knots - from 120 degrees.
We are all traveling with him.

I sent him a bunch of info about fees on islands from BVI to Martinica. French territories have the benefit to not require cruise permit, on the other hand fuel rate may be higher then in place like puerto rico because of French taxes and as it is in euros. I asked him to see what would be his top choice so I can find him more info. I did not went to all islands but a bunch there (mainly for scuba diving and not by boat) and Martinique is one of my top place. He will be able to find everything there and if he wants to stays some days he will have tons of things to visit.
On the opposite islands like Saba or Statia (st eustasius) are very nice but there is pretty much nothing there except diving, and if he needs anything for his boat it will be hard to get in these places.

He's not seriously still worried about the cost of landfall at this point is he?
Active captain shows Antigua has duty free fuel but no price.
St Johns USVI has cheapest fuel 3.18 gal Dec 9th
Puerto Rico is below 2.80 as of last week
Bill, I think it was one of the main outrigger poles that broke on the way to Ireland.
I'm trying to picture what the preventer pole is. Someone please splane it to me.
I think that judgement is yet to be determined.

Is this what broke on the last crossing?

No, that was the first time he used this preventer pole.
Who is speaking of judgement, whatever happens, it is bad luck to see it happening at sea far from anywhere after 10 trouble free days.
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Does he have a current targeted destination? The most recent direction appears to have him north of any close land and closer to Cuba, which he doesn't have fuel to reach.
Does he have a current targeted destination? The most recent direction appears to have him north of any close land and closer to Cuba, which he doesn't have fuel to reach.

He's hoping for a break in the seas so he can go from w to more wsw or sw.
Is the reason for not turning south because of the big seas and the subsequent roll? Are the Paravanes totally inop?

I'm just thinking that if I had to pick between excessive roll and not reaching my destination and running out of fuel, I would pick the roll. But I'm sure there's something I'm missing since I've never been out there on a big ocean for days, and I don't know what I'm talking about.
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Just got news. His issue is apparently repaired. For the heading, he is trying to keep following sea as much as possible so may decide later for the destination. I don't think fuel will be an issue as he is burning less than expected and should have good reserve.
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