Daylight readable monitor

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I think Alex has come across the best solution. The Tote Vision 19 inch sunlight readable product is sold by several retailers, some of which appear to be willing to ship next day. Cost is about $870 and it appears they are giving free shipping. There is an HDMI input as well as RGB and S video so a wide variety of input cables are compatible. I think I’m sold on this one.

Chris on Grey Goose
Here's a final note regarding the Tote Vision display. The unit is built to withstand higher temperatures. There are two fans mounted inside the unit to vent the case.

Because I don't hear so we'll, I need a dead quiet pilot house, but these fans seemed pretty loud IMO. I called the manufacturer asking for a method to disable the fans. As expected, they said the fans were needed so the units operated per specification.

I noticed the units were not getting that warm, and the fan exhaust was barely warm, so I took a gamble. Using long noise plyers and wire cutter, I reached through each fan vent and snipped red power wire, then taped the end.

The units run without fans and associated noise. They have operated fanless for the last 20 months (about 800 display runtime hours) without issue. FYI, I also have two Garmin 8500 chartplotter display units and disabled those case fans as well. They also run fine without case fans.

Of course, YMMV, but I doubt it.

Cheers, Alex
Because I don't hear so we'll, I need a dead quiet pilot house, but these fans seemed pretty loud IMO. I called the manufacturer asking for a method to disable the fans. As expected, they said the fans were needed so the units operated per specification.

There are companies like Noctua that make ultra-silent DC fans. I'd be more inclined to replace the fans with something quieter before cutting off their power entirely.

But I 'hear you' on not wanting added motor noises.
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