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For Sale: Defever 49 RPH for sale

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Oct 7, 2007
Vessel Name
Arctic Traveller
Vessel Make
Defever 49 RPH
The Arctic Traveller, a Defever 49 RPH will be coming up for sale soon, but I wanted to post it here prior to officially listing it. If you’re not familiar with the incredibly popular Defever 49 here is a great article published in Passagemaker magazine.http://www.passagemaker.com/articles/cruiser-reviews/full-displacement/cult-classic-the-enduring-and-ever-popular-defever-49-2/
One of the best features of this particular Defever is its completely legal for chartering in the U.S. so you can supplement your income doing charter work.As far as I know, it’s the only one in the U.S. that is legally charter able and for the last 10 years the boat has paid all its own expenses, with zero money out of pocket. The list of upgrades is extensive and includes hydraulic stabilizers and bow thruster, water maker, two gen sets (one is nearly new) three sources of diesel fired heat, extensive electronics including forward looking sonar, Weather fax, SSB, NAVTEX, electronic charting with AIS, a full set of paper charts between California and Alaska, auto pilot, video monitoring of the engine room and stern, 1800 amp hours of deep cycle batteries and two inverters, complete Balmar charging system, an immaculate engine room, a complete set of tools, washer and drier, current 6 person life raft and EPIRB, RHIB, two davit crane’s, a comprehensive collection of cruising spares including rebuild kits, engine parts, filters, belts, fluids, pumps, commercial grade burglar alarm system and so much more. There is a complete record of all the extensive maintenance and upgrades including regular oil analysis reports and a comprehensive custom written operating manual covering every system aboard, in addition to the original manuals for all the equipment. Currently the boat is in dry, heated indoor storage just as it has been every winter, and it also comes with a new, custom fitted full cover. Also included will be a full week long comprehensive Arctic Traveller Trawler training cruise in Alaska or through the Inside Passage. (See our website for details on our training and lots of interior photos) Since the boat is in storage, and will be getting a full detailing before being officially on the market, it will only be available for viewing in Ketchikan Alaska for the next month or so after which I have to leave town and won’t be able to show it again until it comes out of the building when I return. So, if you’re seriously interested in an extensively equipped, ready to travel anywhere cult classic trawler, I’d be happy to discuss further details with you.The current asking price is $319K and I’d be happy to deliver the boat anywhere in US coastal waters. (At additional cost) Thanks for looking………..Captain Jeff
Jeff (dot) Coult at gmail.com


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Here she is some years ago leaving Thorne Bay Alaska.


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I have always been intrigued by Jeff's business- providing an intimate charter for 7-10 days up the BC and Alaska coast. When we lived on the west coast we might have done one of them instead of a big ship charter if i had known about it.

His boat sounds like it is set up for it with all of the bells and whistles necessary for a safe and fun charter. That the business covers all of the expenses of running the boat is encouraging for a couple who might want to buy the boat and operate it the way Jeff did. It might be fun for a couple who have some boating experience in that area.

Of course it also sounds like a nice boat for someone who wants a fully found cruiser for their own use.

Good luck, Jeff.

Thanks for the kind words guys. I forgot to mention she comes with a spare set of props too, should you hit a log or something. The've never been used, but are carried aboard...................
Another feature I forgot to mention is that the boat has a current USCG 5 star inspection sticker. This certifies that the boat meets the highest possible standard for uninspected charter vessels. A C/G inspector comes aboard and runs through a two page check list of mandatory items, then you get one star for each optional piece of safety equipment like an EPIRB, currently certified life raft, bilge alarms, additional radios etc. If you are stopped by the C/G for an inspection, having the sticker normally means you don't get boarded.
Pardon my drooling .....
'Cause I tend to salivate when I see a 49D - really like them and, based on what's presented, particularly like this one.
I would be interested , if it is not sold, tks

Yes, the boat is available. It will go in the water on the 25th, and then be in transit to Wa state so we will be out of cell and internet range for several days at a time, but feel free to call us via the "contact us" tab on our website. All the best, Arctictraveller.com
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