diesel prices near me

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$5.07 in Port Orchard today. Topped off the tanks because that will probably be a bargain by May.
DECADES ago, I had a locking gas cap. Kinda forgot about it but some something on TV this week that showed a locking gas cap. :eek: Might have to buy one, but when gas prices were high a few years ago, idiots were punching holes in gas tanks to get the fuel... :mad:

Would rather them siphon the fuel than punch a hole in the tank. :rolleyes:


Yeah your right. Let them have it. Lots of people out there with their backs against the wall.
On the Greenline 33, the diesel fill and the fresh water fill look exactly the same and are positioned on opposite sides of the boat. Apparently anxious to get things done early one morning -- and quite clearly before his first cup of coffee -- a fellow Greenliner accidentally filled his water tanks with diesel fuel. Not nice -- but I guess less-bad than had it happened the other way around.

My friend's experience led me to buy a locking cap for my diesel fill. I keep the key to that cap locked in a safe we have onboard. This forces me to be wide awake and really think about what I am doing before putting anything in the diesel fill. So, I'm not protecting my diesel tank from would-be thieves. I'm protecting it from myself ;-)
Have fished in the Captiva/sanabel area off of a flats boat. Thing drafted nothing. Sure the outboard was tilted up when we went in close but even just getting around when not fishing you really needed to pay attention. No storms or anything the times we fished around there but it was noticeable channels did move around a bunch.even going back to places in a day or three. Didn’t see any trawlers at all. Did see a bunch of center consoles. A surprising number were cats. We were fly fishing so wanted to and could go much closer in than even those low draft boats.
Have fished in the Captiva/sanabel area off of a flats boat. Thing drafted nothing. Sure the outboard was tilted up when we went in close but even just getting around when not fishing you really needed to pay attention. No storms or anything the times we fished around there but it was noticeable channels did move around a bunch.even going back to places in a day or three. Didn’t see any trawlers at all. Did see a bunch of center consoles. A surprising number were cats. We were fly fishing so wanted to and could go much closer in than even those low draft boats.

Yes, the current hot boat is Lake and Bay and their flat boats run 60 to 90 mph. Have a friend who bought one and it only runs 67 WOT so he's ordered a new larger engine.
$5.81/gal for 102 gals diesel. Pearson fuel dock, Shelter Island San Diego.

Funny I was just thinking about Tesla. I drove by a local mall yesterday. They have a dozen or more Tesla charging stations in the parking lot. Every time I drive by there are always a few Teslas parked there charging. I doubt any of them are shopping but rather just getting a quick re-charge. Teslas certainly have a lot of pros, but sitting in a car in a parking lot on Sunday morning is not one of them.

You couldn't give me a friggin Tesla.
A quick Google search reveals there are close to 1-million registered boats in Florida. About 40% are over 40-feet, about 70% of those are recreational vs commercial. I don't know how many are at private docks, but would guess its at least 25%, might be closer to 40%.

Bit of daisy-chaining of stats, but I would not be surprised if there are over 100k boats 35-feet or larger sitting behind houses in Florida. 8-years ago, I bought a 1950's era condo on the ICW that has a deeded slip, one of seven in the complex (I have since purchased a second slip). I am fond of saying "I bought a slip that happened to come with a free condo." I am responsible for maintaining the slip and some property taxes, but no other ownership costs.

Attached aerial view of ICW nearby. All these houses have boats behind them, though most are center consoles on boat lifts, but not necessarily. I know of a Beneteau Swift Trawler 44-footer on a lift.


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That's my area.

I get local delivery usually about 10 to 20c less than the local marina and much easier. Just recently topped of at $3.10.

I also hedged a bit with oil and bought more oil rights which have had an unbelievable return... and buying a bit more...... works for now and will probably hold me fo 2 to 5 years or better.

you still have cheap diesel, the same price we had before the war. Now here diesel costs about $ 11 a gallon, in Finland the standard of living is about the same as you have, so still enjoy cheap fuel...

Ketchikan- $4.53 Diesel
Well, we have hit US $7.12 a gallon(US) here at our club in Sydney. It jumped 58 cents a liter in two days!

Without getting too political it goes to show how fragile the world economy is in relation to dealing with autocratic states with their own agendas, not caring what damage and misery they inflict.
Yesterday, at an unnamed marina in BC's Southern Gulf Islands, the diesel was C$2.559 per litre, which is about US$7.75 per gallon. No matter what happens to world/market oil price, BC will see another increase on 1 April for the annual carbon tax increase.
Yesterday, at an unnamed marina in BC's Southern Gulf Islands, the diesel was C$2.559 per litre, which is about US$7.75 per gallon. No matter what happens to world/market oil price, BC will see another increase on 1 April for the annual carbon tax increase.

Most unnamed Gulf islands marina gas outlets charge a significant premium over the bigger fuel docks. When i was bopping around in the RCMSAR boat, we would refuel at places like Telegraph Harbour, Maple Bay, Montague Harbour, etc. I would generally check their current prices on diesel while waiting for the fueling of the SAR boat, so as to know whether to bring my own boat in. With a discount for volume, the Nanaimo and Sidney fuel docks would always beat the smaller places by 20 to 40%. I don't expect the current high prices to affect that dynamic.
To be fair, my understanding is the carbon tax increase is only $0.01/litre, or less than 0.5% increase in your current price quoted.
Ours was still at $3.90 a gallon for diesel as of two days ago. But, one of the dockhands warned me they expect it to go up after the next fuel delivery.

It was $3.10 two months ago.
As prices go up some differences are just driven by the local retailer. They buy fuel from the distributor or refiner and add a mark-up. Typically fuel retail markups are small, as are refining margins. High throughput stations will quickly follow price increases they get on their deliveries, they have to or they go broke. Coming out of the oil industry I can assure you most of the increases we're seeing are the result of two things: increased demand as we came out of the pandemic and changes in US government policy that reduced investment in production and thus created the expectation of higher future prices. Prices can go down again but requires a major policy shift. Prices can actually drop pretty quickly since if the expectation is of lower prices in he future, speculators start to dump their higher priced futures contracts. The reverse is also true and is where we are today. One thing is a simple fact, the US has enormous energy reserves, one of the largest in the world, its mainly government policy that determines where our oil comes from. Threaten domestic oil companies and they'll invest elsewhere.

Luckily the current policy has been excellent for my stock options and performance shares.
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I just remember the good old days, 2017 through 2020 when we were paying $2.00 to $2.10 a gallon for diesel here.

Those were the days! :D
Last week we fueled up in our marina at $4.30/gal. The marina manager said I had good timing, as their diesel supplier had just filled their tank the day prior. But she said they wouldn't know the new price until they received the invoice, which was coming the next day. All she could say was "It will be over $5/gal. for sure."
Diesel today is $4.70/gallon at Atlantic Yacht Basin on the East Coast USA ICW. It's usually one of the cheapest on the east coast.
Last week we fueled up in our marina at $4.30/gal. The marina manager said I had good timing, as their diesel supplier had just filled their tank the day prior. But she said they wouldn't know the new price until they received the invoice, which was coming the next day. All she could say was "It will be over $5/gal. for sure."

That's an insane situation where they are selling fuel but don't yet know what they are paying for it.
That's an insane situation where they are selling fuel but don't yet know what they are paying for it.

Maybe not. Maybe they use a regular supplier that always has a reasonable price. Also, he didn't say he didn't know what price they were paying, he said that he didn't yet know what the new pump price was. Maybe the invoice was needed to see the total volume that got delivered as well as the price and they could then determine the new pump price. Tank may have been half full with fuel purchased 6 mos ago.
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Maybe not. Maybe they use a regular supplier that always has a reasonable price. Also, he didn't say he didn't know what price they were paying, he said that he didn't yet know what the new pump price was. Maybe the invoice was needed to see the total volume that got delivered as well as the price and they could then determine the new pump price. Tank may have been half full with fuel purchased 6 mos ago.

It's the real situation as the driver doesn't know the price and so, unless you get a quote for the day of delivery, you are waiting for the invoice. Everyone who gets a delivery from the same truck does not pay the same price.
It's the real situation as the driver doesn't know the price and so, unless you get a quote for the day of delivery, you are waiting for the invoice. Everyone who gets a delivery from the same truck does not pay the same price.

OK thanks B. I misunderstood your post. I took it to mean you thought it's crazy that you have to wait for the invoice to know what you paid. It didn't sound that crazy to me, but I understand what you are saying now.

Interesting strange situation in CT right now. (not boating related really). Starting today, the State has suspended the state sales tax on gasoline. I guess that's good news, depending on how you look at it. But here's the problem. The gas stations pay the sales tax when they buy fuel and then collect it when they sell it. So if they filled their tanks yesterday, they are forced to eat that tax (unless the laws change) and they will have to sell it today at 25 cents cheaper. Big hit for a small private owner. If it happens in reverse when the tax is reinstated, the gas stations would probably be charged with price gouging.
OK thanks B. I misunderstood your post. I took it to mean you thought it's crazy that you have to wait for the invoice to know what you paid. It didn't sound that crazy to me, but I understand what you are saying now.

Interesting strange situation in CT right now. (not boating related really). Starting today, the State has suspended the state sales tax on gasoline. I guess that's good news, depending on how you look at it. But here's the problem. The gas stations pay the sales tax when they buy fuel and then collect it when they sell it. So if they filled their tanks yesterday, they are forced to eat that tax (unless the laws change) and they will have to sell it today at 25 cents cheaper. Big hit for a small private owner. If it happens in reverse when the tax is reinstated, the gas stations would probably be charged with price gouging.

Sadly, the CT legislature was warned but no one worked out how to handle April 1 or July 1. So law passed for holiday but mechanics left unresolved.
Sadly, the CT legislature was warned but no one worked out how to handle April 1 or July 1. So law passed for holiday but mechanics left unresolved.

Do you mean to tell me my govt is inept and inefficient? I'm shocked and speechless! One of the legislators suggested that stations manage their inventory so they are nearly empty on 3/30 and refill on 4/1. Brilliant!!! How does every station in the state get fuel delivered today?

Anyway I guess it is good boating news for those who trailer their boats and fill up at road stations.
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