Thanks Art.
I have to say I've been a bit surprised at some of the responses. I've never considered myself to be a law breaker type, but honestly, who hasn't filled up their dinghy in the midst of a cruise from a jerry jug? Is there a boater out there who can claim to have NEVER spilled any fuel? I'd have a hard time believing someone who told me that, unless they have only been boating a very short time.
As to the jist of your message, I've begun to fill a bit uneasy myself. It seems like every day there are more and more laws, fewer and fewer freedoms. All done in the idea that we are somehow being protected.
I am far from a gun nut, I have two shotguns and a rifle, I used to deer hunt, nowdays maybe I go on one bird hunt a year. I've never owned a handgun, I think assualt type weapons are kind of strange, and I don't see the need for a clip that holds more than 5 or 6 rounds.
That said does anyone really think more gun laws are going to stop the crazy, tragic killings? Unfortunately, they will not. To solve that would require addressing problems at the very root of our society and the depths of mental illness. Gov't can't and won't do that. So they make more laws, we lose more freedoms. They gain more control over our lives.
They tell us we can't haul 50 gallons of diesel in the back of a pickup. What if I am a farmer?
Rant over.
I have to say I've been a bit surprised at some of the responses. I've never considered myself to be a law breaker type, but honestly, who hasn't filled up their dinghy in the midst of a cruise from a jerry jug? Is there a boater out there who can claim to have NEVER spilled any fuel? I'd have a hard time believing someone who told me that, unless they have only been boating a very short time.
As to the jist of your message, I've begun to fill a bit uneasy myself. It seems like every day there are more and more laws, fewer and fewer freedoms. All done in the idea that we are somehow being protected.
I am far from a gun nut, I have two shotguns and a rifle, I used to deer hunt, nowdays maybe I go on one bird hunt a year. I've never owned a handgun, I think assualt type weapons are kind of strange, and I don't see the need for a clip that holds more than 5 or 6 rounds.
That said does anyone really think more gun laws are going to stop the crazy, tragic killings? Unfortunately, they will not. To solve that would require addressing problems at the very root of our society and the depths of mental illness. Gov't can't and won't do that. So they make more laws, we lose more freedoms. They gain more control over our lives.
They tell us we can't haul 50 gallons of diesel in the back of a pickup. What if I am a farmer?
Rant over.