Dog with Dinghy-Crane on board?

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Senior Member
Sep 28, 2008
Vessel Name
" Supertramp "
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Marine Trader Widebody 50 feet
My son visited us on board but with a golden labrador, weight about 30 Kilo. How do I get to the crane for the dog aft balcony?

There is a thread a year or so back, search "getting the dog back on board" or something like that.
I have used the mast/boom to lift many heavy things on to the boat. The mast boom is what I would use for man over board as our swim deck is about 2 ft off the water.:thumb:

You could build stairs/ramp from the dock to the pilot house level. I built steps so we can enter through the pilot house as its to dangerous in the winter form the swim deck with a side tie.

Of course the easiest way is have you son put the dog over his shoulder. :flowers:
There is a thread a year or so back, search "getting the dog back on board" or something like that.

Yes, many Photos but nothing with Dinghycrane :nonono:

Yes, many Photos but nothing with Dinghycrane :nonono:


They sell dog vests X-large 90 to 120 lbs for 30 bucks, with a handle to lift the dog nas West Marine. :flowers::thumb:
They sell dog vests X-large 90 to 120 lbs for 30 bucks, with a handle to lift the dog nas West Marine. :flowers::thumb:

This vests are " swim-vests" and not Liftvests....:D
( westmarine page 166 )

This is a harness which is made for lifting, it may be dangerous to lift the dog with a crane? If he gets scared maybe he will struggle and hurt himself or twist out of the harness. With this harness two people could lift, one on each handle it may be safer.
Solvit CareLift Dog Harness & Lift
This vests are " swim-vests" and not Liftvests....:D
( westmarine page 166 )



I think they may hold the weght or modify it. For 40 bucks can not hurt.
As a former K-9 SWAT officer who has repelled many times with a 105lb Shepherd make sure any harness you use is snug and able to support its weight. It is normal for a dog to squirm around a little bit once his paws have left terra firma but a confident dog will regain his composure very quickly once his paws are grounded again, a nervous dog on the other hand will run everytime he hears and or sees the davit starting to operate in the future. If you are unsure if your dog fits the nervous category just think what he does come July 4th if he hides under the table or runs for his crate or kennel when the fire works go off - it's nerves.
Just my 2c worth.

ps Here is Gato enjoying retirement in Key West a couple of years ago on another boat


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GWKiwi: It's not often that someone with your depth of experience is available to respond to such questions. I too have animals and I've built a dinghy crane for, shall we say "bodies" overboard. Do the skin-like jackets for dogs really calm them down as advertised, and would it be worthwhile to keep the animal when stressful situations (like unplanned trips overboard) or maybe even getting used to the new confined space?
A dog named GATO! That reminds me of the country song "a boy named Sue''
HH- Our First Dog Mate TiVo was not a nervous dog, but he did not like docking or de-docking. I was moving around too much to follow and he would start getting nervous. And the back and fill thrusting of a single screw maneuvering made him shiver. The Thundershirt stopped that. We would put it on him before going to the pumpout dock and any docking procedures. It may not work for all dogs....but it worked for mine for sure.

Dogs....gotta love em! :thumb:
HH- Our First Dog Mate TiVo was not a nervous dog, but he did not like docking or de-docking. I was moving around too much to follow and he would start getting nervous. And the back and fill thrusting of a single screw maneuvering made him shiver. The Thundershirt stopped that. We would put it on him before going to the pumpout dock and any docking procedures. It may not work for all dogs....but it worked for mine for sure.

Dogs....gotta love em! :thumb:

Gee. Sounds like me. Maybe, I should get a thundershirt.

What is a thunder shirt?
Guru I am not familiar with the skin jackets but a post by Besslb says they work for him. Animals are amazing creatures they sense when we are nervous and they can start to get nervous as well, even strong dogs can show unsureness when we are stressed.

A tip I give to dog owners is to think of a dog as your child, in the sense of how you treat it, how you approach new challenges with it, i.e riding in the dingy for the first time, how you feed it, etc. You wouldnt leave your kid in the candy store with a free pass the same with your dog two small meals a day is much better than one big meal or free feeding when ever it wants, which is a no no for many reasons.

Praise is a dogs best reward, when your dog does good things praise him well, never punish out of frustration and bring them towards new challenges in small incrimental steps, finally bringing all those steps together . Go onto Utube and watch how stray dogs were taught to drive cars in New Zealand, it is a great video.

Steve, I like that " a boy named Sue". I guess in Slovakia where he came from "Gato" doesnt mean "cat" but you wouldnt believe how many people who speak spanish that would raise their eyebrows when I said "quiet Gato" when he would bark while we were on a contact.

Unfortunately he passed away suddenly 14 months ago, he was a such a great great dog who we miss everyday. He loved boating and we never had to lock the boats doors yet he was friendly to all people who had no ill will.
Sounds like a fine dog, sorry he is gone.
Man Gato is one good looking Shepherd!

I love the name, funny as h...

Had a dog named Storm turned out it shoulda been named Hurricane till this day im convinced where it a kid the doctor woulda diagnosed it with ADD...

Been thinking about getting a new dog, but decided its too much "work" when planning to go see the world.
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Se ve muy seguro!
Please let us know how it works with the dog when you try it out.
Se ve muy seguro!
Please let us know how it works with the dog when you try it out.

Steve, of course I will report in word and image :)
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