Engine Anodes Perkins ST6.3544M

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Dec 2, 2012
Vessel Make
Prairie 36 Coastal Cruiser
I can't seem to find the pencil zincs (engine anodes) on my Perkins ST6.3544M engines. They're not referenced in the manuals I have.

Anyone have any clues where to look?
Mine is on the underside of the oil cooler on the port side of the engine. You'll see a little brass cap facing straight down.
I can't seem to find the pencil zincs (engine anodes) on my Perkins ST6.3544M engines. They're not referenced in the manuals I have.

Anyone have any clues where to look?

A lot of the early 6.354's had no pencil zinc in the block. Mine has one on the top of the heat exchanger and one on the bottom of the oil cooler. Nothing else in either of the blocks.
My 4-236 has them on the heat exchanger and oil cooler.
Mine is on the underside of the oil cooler on the port side of the engine. You'll see a little brass cap facing straight down.

I have twin 1988 Perkins 6.354s in my Heritage East Sundeck and I too am looking for the zincs. I will check the oil coolers & heat exchangers. Thanks
Look for a 9/16th's (?) brass hex cap. on the underside of the oil cooler. Oh wait... I said that up there... Nevermind. You'll find it.
I have 6.354 Range 4. Keel cool. Also cannot find any anodes.6000 hrs . No problems yet.Believe I read some where on Perkins site that anodes were not necessity ????????
My 1991 Perkins Range 4 M200TI dont have zincs, I asked Brian from British Marine in Alameda who knows these engines better than most and he told me there are no engine zincs.
Perkins engine zincs

I have a 1984 PT 35 Sundeck with a single 6.354 Turbo and have never found zincs. Had a guy look and he found nothing. Can zincs be added? My thought is after all this time if it's had no zincs why bother. I do have 2 on the shaft, one on the rudder, one each on the trims and 2 large on the stern.
When we got our boat a few years ago I looked in vain for pencil zincs on the Perkins Range 4-135 and found none. Our manuals have no reference to engine zincs.
Changing engine zinc anodes

I have a Perkins 6.354M natural aspiration Diesel engine in my 1996 Monk 36 trawler and have a question regarding changing out the pencil zincs. I believe there are only one or two zincs to maintain, may be wrong about that. My question is do I need to take any precautions before unscrew them, pressure behind them, excessive water or oil or coolant out pore, etc.? Any ideas?


The only zinc I'm aware of in our PerkinsT6.354 goes in the top of the heat exchanger tank.
I haven't been able to find any zincs on our cooling system.
But if you have them it's almost certain that you will have to drain the manicooler down below the level of the zincs. Easy to do via the drain plug and a 5 gallon bucket.
ST6.3544M coolers

I think many think the aluminim muticoolers and manicoolers with the bronze end caps need zincs due to the dissimilar metals. If you actually look at the way they work you will see there is no need for zincs.

The bronze end caps seal to both the aluminum casing and the bronze tube stack separating the two. The raw water flow through the coolers only touches the bronze components. Never the aluminum unless there is an O-ring failure in which case you are going to have other issues.

The coolant, engine oil, reverse gear oil and charge air in the case of a turbo are on the side of the cooler where there is both the aluminum and bronze present. These fluids do not act as an electrolyte therefore no protection is needed.

There are 1/4 inch drain plugs on the end caps of both the mani and multi coolers and I think some fit them with zincs but in my opinion they are not needed.
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Perkins engine zincs

As to zincs in a Perkins 6.354 engine, I've looked at all the logical places then had a diesel mechanic look it over and he couldn't find any. Mine is a Turbo 6.354 and my boat is a 1984 and runs great. 2 large shaft anodes, trim tabs and rudder zinced and 2 whole grounding units on the transom.
The engine, itself, isn't zinced. The coolers often have zincs, depending upon what they are made from. Manicoolers, multicoolers, and intercoolers are often not zinc'ed. Traditional heat exchangers often do have zincs. Trans+Oil coolers are probably more likely to have zincs than not.

The only way to know is to go looking or to find out who made the cooler and find some documentation or ask them.
Fantastic everyone, really appreciate your advice! I know I have one pencil zinc (will include a photo of it and location) on our engine, located on upper rear, port side of engine. Also the previous owner kept a baggie of pencil zincs onboard so there must be some, perhaps on Onan generator.


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