Excited New Member

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Dr Mike

Jan 24, 2019
United States
Wanted to say hello to everyone out there. My handle is Dr Mike. My wife and I live in Virginia Beach and have a passion for boating. We currently own a 22' Chaparral bow rider that we have pretty much wore the prop off of it logging more than 100 hrs per summer on the clock. I am currently three weeks from retiring from my 30 year practice and could not be more excited. Well that is a lie because we stepped that up as we just received a signed contract on a 1997 44' Island Gypsy. So yea we are even more excited. We feel so fortunate to have found this site and plan learn from the large mind trust that is out there.
Dr Mike,

Welcome aboard! Pix of your boat would be nice.
Welcome to Tf. That 44 is a nice rig.
Congrats on the boat, and retirement. I hope to join you in the retirement world next year.
Welcome Doc, retirement is good :D
Welcome! Looking forward to seeing pics of the new boat.
Congrats on retirement. Been retired for 3 years and loving it.

Welcome! Need picture of boat...
Retiring and buying a boat? Pretty soon you're going to wonder how you ever had time to work with all the things you have to do around the house and around the boat.

Welcome to a great place to hang out.
Welcome aboard, Doc!

Maybe we can arrange a deal....send us boat pics and we'll dispense boating advice.

In exchange, we can send you pics of our inflammations and rashes and you can dispense healthcare advice. :socool: :eek: :facepalm: :hide:


Seriously, nice boat and welcome aboard. Hope you enjoy the ride! :D
Welcome Doc, Retirement is so close,:dance: but so far away. :ermm:
Welcome, Doc...!!

Congrats on the impending retirement, hope to see you out there some day..!
Welcome aboard. Retired sure beats working. Good luck with your new baby.
Dr Mike. You’ll soon ask yourself why you didn’t do this years ago. Great group of people here. Enjoy life and your time here.
Welcome aboard Doc and congrats on both retirement and the new boat. Lots of good people and advice here.
When you post some pics be sure to include one of that great big smile... u
I can just imagine!
My New Girl

Ok here is a pic. I dont have any official ones yet but will next week. Hopefully this will suffice to unlock the brain trust on this site!


  • IMG_7563.jpg
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Dr. Mike...

Congratulations. I retired, sold everything (house, cars, etc.), bought a boat and now we are circumnavigating the Caribbean.

At one time I was worried I would retire and get bored. Buy a boat and cruise her - sure cure.
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Doc, Congrats she looks fantastic.. Whatever you do don't toss the Cummins floor mat in the engine room. All Cummins guys lust after those, and can't find them. Enjoy!
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Doc welcome aboard. You will now be able to put 100 hrs a month on the new trawler.
Welcome Aboard

We have been cruising the Bay since 2013 on our Mainship 400 out of Willoughby. I think you will find going slower, but being able to anchor and stay on your boat vastly different from what you have been used to, but much more rewarding. Let me know if you'd like compare notes on where to go, what to do, or any other questions you might have about the local area.
Hi Dr. Mike, Welcome to the forum.
That is a nice looking boat with lots of room. Cummins 6BTA are great, well regarded engines. Looks like you have them at their lower hp rating, which probably means no turbos or aftercoolers? If I may suggest, check out the website sbmar.com for tons and tons of free info on diesels (Cummins in particular). A friend of mine (sister boat to mine) has over 9000 hours on his Cummins 6BTA 5.9 M3 330hp and it is still running great. Maintenance is key.

Enjoy your new boat and if you want to chat anything boat, give me a PM.
Welcome Doc ... and a great boat. And your port o' call is far enough North to head to Maine or Atlantic Canada in the Summer ... and South for the Winter.
Smooth seas and fair tides!
Hi Doctor Mike and Congratulations on your retirement and your new boat. I hope you enjoy both. Welcome to the forum. I hope you enjoy reading the post and committing as much as I have.
As one doc to another, welcome aboard the board. That looks like one very nice vessel. The type where you can have a nice aft cabin, AND a cockpit - albeit rather higher up. But everything in life is a compromise, and as those go, your layout looks like a good one.
Welcome, indeed. My wife and I retired and then found oursleves living on our Fleming 55. Have a brilliant time, and never lose that sense of excitement.
Welcome Dr. Mike!
Two years ago we purchased a 1983 Grand Banks 49 Classic.
She’s floating at Little River, SC....Lightkeepers Marina.
Drop by for a visit!
Capt. Sea Fever

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