We had a boat for sale down here- Knowledgeable buyer came to check it out. Talked a good talk, good enough for broker to let him stay on the boat overnight with survey the next day. Well, some time during the night the guy found the liquor stash and helped himself to a considerable amount. Now properly drunk, he fell off the boat between the boat and the dock. Tried to climb up oyster and barnacle covered piles and cut himself to shreds. Finally got out of the water and into the boat. Bled all over. Apparently had trouble sleeping, so he tried different bunks and sofas, bleeding on all. Stumbling around, knocked all sorts of things over, breaking fixtures, etc. 7am broker and surveyor show up to a disaster. Guy was still drunk and incoherent. Survey day was canceled. Boat damage in several thousands. Later, guy wanted his deposit back and was talking about suing for his injuries. Broker and owner were so mad they threatened to "go mafia" on him. Last I heard, the guy lost his deposit and crawled back under a rock somewhere.