FL Panhandle

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Aug 31, 2015
Vessel Name
Soon to be Yamas
Vessel Make
Mainship 390
Hi all, Rich Stroot here, currently boatless living in the DFW area. Researching putting a trawler on the FL Panhandle to spend time cruising the area, winter refuge from North Texas, any suggestions on locations?
From Panama City east things are still pretty rough from the Hurricane. I would recommend you focus on the area between Orange Beach, Alabama, and Pensacola, FL.

Thanks to the Gulf Islands National Seashore there are a ton of great anchorages in this area. You can dinghy to shore and walk around undeveloped Islands throughout much of the area. There are also lots of restaurants and bars you can boat to.

You will need to decide where you will keep the boat during hurricane season. If you will not be in the area I would probably either bring the boat to Demopolis for the season or haul out and stay on the hard with a dehumidifier running.

Thanks Rain Dog, my thoughts are to winter on the boat, putting on the hard would be a good idea, would like a slip though
To tag onto that question …. during hurricane season, is a yacht generally safe in Demopolis or further North on the Tenn-Tom?
Say up to Pickwick
Shouldn't this be in the Gulf Coast cruising section!! :)
To tag onto that question …. during hurricane season, is a yacht generally safe in Demopolis or further North on the Tenn-Tom?
Say up to Pickwick

Demopolis is certainly safe from storm surge. I think it is far enough inland to be safe from wind too (except tornadoes of course). My worry would be flooding. If a tropical system stalled over the watershed, I think there is a good chance the marina there would be lost. I certainly would not leave a boat on the hard there. In my brief time there I personally saw the water within 5-10 feet of washing away all the boats on the hard. If they got another flood like 79, I am not so sure the marina or boatyard would survive it.
I think Aqua Harbor at Pickwick has a special hurricane season mooring rate.
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