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Are you on the ICW or in the Gulf?? If in the Gulf, I don't think Big Sarasota Pass is recommended, I've never tried it. Longboat Key Pass will be your next available inlet.

Capt. Tim is correct. Big Sarasota Pass is doable with a little local knowledge. I would not try New Pass. Long Boat Pass is the next one. There has been shoaling reported by Green #1 marker at the entrance. Favor the reds. Go through the bridge. Immediately turn to starboard. Stay close to the bridge until deep water opens to your port. A very good anchorage with 17-20' depth. The bridge operator there is usually cooperative. I recommend the anchorage. There is also a great seafood restaurant you can take the dinghy to. Moore's Seafood Restaurant. Very fresh seafood. You can usually see the shallow water.

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Are you on the ICW or in the Gulf?? If in the Gulf, I don't think Big Sarasota Pass is recommended, I've never tried it. Longboat Key Pass will be your next available inlet.

The next inlet looks more worser. Maybe I should kick the horses and go to Tampa bay
Long Boat Pass is the next one. There has been reported by Green #1 marker at the entrance. Favor the reds. Go through the bridge. Immediately turn to starboard. Stay close to the bridge until deep water opens to your port. A very good anchorage with 17-20' depth. The bridge operator there is usually cooperative. I recommend the anchorage. There is also a great seafood restaurant you can take the dinghy to. Longs's Seafood Restaurant. Very fresh seafood. You can usually see the shallow water.

I have not tried that approach since my sailboat days. With the strong currents I don't trust the depth along the bridge, but I know some still do this. The other approach is to follow the markers through the inlet and once it intersects with the ICW turn south an anchor between Jew fish key and Longboat key. There are probably some boats anchored there. Or if you want to keep heading north, anchor where all the boats are anchored just south of the Cortez bridge on the west side of the ICW.
Dinghy to shore and enjoy one of the many good restaurants in town.
The next inlet looks more worser. Maybe I should kick the horses and go to Tampa bay

I think Long Boat Pass is your best bet. There is a pass that is unmarked just North of Anna Maria Island. You have to enter and stay very close to shore. There is an anchorage behind the island to the north. You will just have to pick your way in there.

Tampa Bay in a thunder storm can be worse that the gulf---especially with a tide running.

Just checked the inlet at the north end of Anna Maria Island is Passage Key Inlet. the island is Passage Key.
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Some really neat clouds


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Thank you I'm looking for Amelia and can't find it

Capt. Tim is absolutely correct. It's Anna Maria Island. Amelia Island is on the East coast at the Georgia line. Long Boat Key Pass is not difficult. just watch the shoal as you enter. When the bridge opens, turn right run toward shore close to the bridge. Not difficult at all. Good snug anchorage. Enjoy.
I just passed new pass. I'm not seeing a height on the bridge. What channel do they use here. Best to go threw and make the right hugging the shore on starboard
David, the anchorages south of Tampa Bay are probably going to be easier to get to from your current position, so I'm going out on a limb here and recommending you go in Longboat Pass. Stay in the center of the channel and you'll be OK. Be aware as Don mentioned the current can get a little fast here. Once pass the bridge you can do as Don suggested and hug the bridge south or continue on the channel until it intersects with the ICW. Going either north or south from the intersection will put you into great anchorages with 15 minutes.
David, I've never gone in New Pass so can't give you recommendations. However once inside, Marina Jacks is less than 30 minutes.
David, I've never gone in New Pass so can't give you recommendations. However once inside, Marina Jacks is less than 30 minutes.

I can see what wood song was talking about on my Garmin software. I called boat us they recommend going thru and following the channel north then back to my anchorage. I don't like back tracking at 1 mile to a gallon unless I have to. So I'm going in at longboat pass an headin north til I find an anchorage with a little room and I guess we will stay in the Tampa or Clearwater area tomorrow you guys have been great I probably might a woulda got in trouble. My next deli a is the bridge I'm 17 with my antena down it says 17 clearance I had a couple bridge trolls give me a hard time
Longboat pass is not far from where you are.

If you're going north once inside the pass just follow the markers until it intersects the ICW. Go about 2 miles north and you'll see a large anchorage on your left just before the Cortez bridge. Anchor there and dingy ashore to many fine restaurants.
Long boat bridge taken by the admiral


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Now to find a decent anchorage. Those two behind us were full of vagrants. Guess I might as well go to Tampa


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Now to find a decent anchorage. Guess I might as well go to Tampa

You'll have a ways to go for anything remotely better than the anchorage south of Cortez bridge.
Tampa Bay has some great marina's and restaurant but not a lot on the ICW north of Tampa Bay that are accessible by boat. Local knowledge is best here. There are some great places on the Manatee River and on Tampa Bay, but that is out of your way.

Check active captain. I think you just passed the best you're going to see for awhile.
You'll have a ways to go for anything remotely better than the anchorage south of Cortez bridge.
Tampa Bay has some great marina's and restaurant but not a lot on the ICW north of Tampa Bay that are accessible by boat. Local knowledge is best here. There are some great places on the Manatee River and on Tampa Bay, but that is out of your way.

Check active captain. I think you just passed the best you're going to see for awhile.

David, you don't want to try that funky entrance from the Bay to the Manatee River this time of evening. It is tricky at best.

Probably your next decent anchorage is Bimini Bay on your port side. Go into the narrow entrance. Watch shoaling at Marker 11. Rotten Ralphs Restaurant at Gallati Yacht Sales Marina is much better than it sounds. you can dinghy over. You have just run out of any normal anchorages.

I have been in and out of Bimini Bay many times. Just watch your water depth. Gallati takes 60 footers in there regularly.
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That's it for today. Manatee river it is. I'm going ta bed while the admiral gets her chores done. I'm not sure about Tennessee, that water sure was nice today. Told the admiral she don't have to worry none about the lightning it'll hit them blow boats first.


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A very good run. Especially negotiating the entrance to the Manatee Rive entrance at the late hour. Are you anchored near the big cross?

We were members of the Bradenton YC just up the river for several years. Many people have screwed up in that entrance.

You are doing some good piloting.
This is a great thread for a newbie to read. Hope y'all help me when I'm out flailing around. Gotta get a boat first of course!
A very good run. Especially negotiating the entrance to the Manatee Rive entrance at the late hour. Are you anchored near the big cross?

We were members of the Bradenton YC just up the river for several years. Many people have screwed up in that entrance.

You are doing some good piloting.

I agree, especially for a new guy.

He's in a great location. The locals call it Desoto Point and it's where I believe a Spanish Explorer first came ashore on the West coast of FL. Desoto?? I believe the cross memorializes that event. Maybe he'll have time to visit the park that's within walking distance of where he anchored.

Reading this thread has made me envious, my boat has been down for 3 months with engine problems. I've got a handle on it and am waiting for new props. Should be good to go within a month.
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