For the "Just Go" crowd...

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I watched the Democrats debate last night. Except for Bloomberg he candidates are near the pinnacle of "Go Fund Me." At least I enjoyed the spirit of the catamaran duo.

The "Go Fund Me" types have been around in one form or another for a very long time. Human nature to give it would seem keeps this realty show of life alive and well in our era.
Far more people die waiting to buy a boat, than die on one that is inadequate.

Quite a profound quote. Whenever I hear people criticize the choice of boat or a boat(type or brand) in general, I always say, "Whatever gets you out on the water...that is the correct boat."..!!!! If one is out there having fun on the water, then they are doing it right!!!...regardless of the boat.
Well, at least they are going to have an adventure that they can talk about and relive the rest of their lives.

When I was their age, I was trying cases as an assistant district attorney all day every day for four years, trading my mental and physical health for money and social status, with a Cape Dory 25D tied up to the dock, begging my wife for us to take a break from the rat race and go cruising.

All to buy more trinkets and have that Gold American Express card.

I say, more power to them.
Well, at least they are going to have an adventure that they can talk about and relive the rest of their lives.

When I was their age, I was trying cases as an assistant district attorney all day every day for four years, trading my mental and physical health for money and social status, with a Cape Dory 25D tied up to the dock, begging my wife for us to take a break from the rat race and go cruising.

All to buy more trinkets and have that Gold American Express card.

I say, more power to them.

Well said! I am in a similar but radically different place. I started my first business when I was 15, I am now 62. Built up my first real company from age 21 to age 37, worked harder than any human I know and built it up and had it all stolen, so then clawed and climbed from 1993 to now building another company. It has finally become "financially successful"... And I am trying to sell it. I've never had a two week vacation. What a slog. Anyway, I bought a trawler and plan to retrofit it and get time on it from May to Nov this year and then I intend to "live" on it for the winter, and hopefully from Nov of this year enter semi-retirement. and be on this boat as much as possible throughout the calender year and live aboard it for 5 months every year. I would NOT recommend this life to anyone. It was way too much sacrifice for far too little reward. But it is where I am now and thus I am making the Trawler Journey happen and have been enjoying the "work" since last October making this happen. It is far too late to pout how I should-have done it, or "IF I HAD T DO IT ALL OVER AGAIN, I WOULD HAVE..." blah blah blah. Every day we choose. We start from today. I choose to be grateful and to be overjoyed that I have arrived at this place where a trawler, a self-contained, solar powered, water making, access warmer climates apparatus with Mirror Sailboat/row boat as dinghy---is my life. It is my life now. While I would not recommend the path to get here to anyone, I also would not trade it. It is all good. Now.
Zoar, I have had way too much excitement in my life and no doubt, it has shortened my life expectancy but, if I had it all to do over, I would be taller. LOL
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Zoar, I have had way too much excitement in my life and no doubt, it has shortened my life expectancy but, if I had it all to do over, I would be taller. LOL

If only that WAS a choice!!! hahahaha
Having spent 2 careers assisting boaters.... it's one thing to make a critical error in judgement and need's another if you venture forth with no clue and greatly increasing the odds of putting someone else in danger sooner or later.

I don't think you have to be an old salt before assuming captainship of a small vessel and cruising the coast, but you ought to know a few things and the vessel should be relatively safe for the voyage.

I carried the enclosed picture with me for a long time.....reminding me tat helping others can be tricky and to ALWAYS pay attention. The yellow circle is what's left of a USCG helo and crew helping that sailboat the night before because the crew was "sure" they were going to die without help.


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Yes, putting others in danger is a pet peeve of mine. My biggest peeve is mountain climbers who expect to be rescued when all goes bad. In my opinion, climbers should be forewarned that dangerous rescues will NOT be undertaken. They are on their own. It is an activity inheherently fraught with risk and danger knowingly accepted. Accept the risk, accept the danger, accept the result. Death will sometimes occur. Why shouls someone else's family have to suffer the loss of their loved one just because some egomaniac mountain climber has to sate his adrenalin need.
Having spent 2 careers assisting boaters.... it's one thing to make a critical error in judgement and need's another if you venture forth with no clue and greatly increasing the odds of putting someone else in danger sooner or later.

I don't think you have to be an old salt before assuming captainship of a small vessel and cruising the coast, but you ought to know a few things and the vessel should be relatively safe for the voyage.

I carried the enclosed picture with me for a long time.....reminding me tat helping others can be tricky and to ALWAYS pay attention. The yellow circle is what's left of a USCG helo and crew helping that sailboat the night before because the crew was "sure" they were going to die without help.
Like the 2 couples who expect to get 'free money' so they can buy a boat or get a free boat so they can go on ill conceived long distance voyages.
But then, there is my trip down from Long Island to Miami. No prior planning..... charts books and a very basic hand held GPS. At the time, that GPS it was high cotton.
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So, they head out across the sound with "0" boating experience. The water is like glass, the old two stroke outboard purrs away. What could be nicer?

What about when 6 or 7 foot waves appear out of nowhere ? Down below nothing is 'ship shape" , she seems like a nice kid on an adventure. Reminds me of my first apartment, a real dump but nobody could tell me anything.

A little rough weather and that old "cat" will fall into pieces, no question about it.

Who is going to pay to pick up the pieces ? You and me, brother.

So, they head out across the sound with "0" boating experience. The water is like glass, the old two stroke outboard purrs away. What could be nicer?

What about when 6 or 7 foot waves appear out of nowhere ? Down below nothing is 'ship shape" , she seems like a nice kid on an adventure. Reminds me of my first apartment, a real dump but nobody could tell me anything.

A little rough weather and that old "cat" will fall into pieces, no question about it.

Who is going to pay to pick up the pieces ? You and me, brother.


Let's hope the USCG will retrieve them. Then, they will return to shore and seek more money for another boat.
I haven't watched their videos, but over on the Sailing Anarchy forum, the belief is that the couple spent $6,000 for this shell of a boat!

They reportedly bought this boat because they didn't want to spend $30,000 for a decent cat.

The irony is they could have bought a decent 27'/28' monohull, ready to sail, for their $6,000.

Just a guess but after first stretch of moderate chop - they may have two mono hulls!

Youth and enthusiasm!
I’m all for just going for it. But that means digging in, learning, and figuring stuff out, not standing around waiting for it to hit you in the head.

Clueless and stupid is not attractive.
The girl is giggling about the 6” waves of a boat wake! My trips through Abermarle Sound didn’t look anything like that. Extremely lucky so far.
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The girl is giggling about the 6” waves of a boat wake! My trips through Abermarle Sound didn’t look anything like that. Extremely lucky so far.
We were thinking the same thing. On our one trip going south thru the Albemarle sounds we had a storm trying to overtake us from behind and a 4 foot washing machine sea.
The question is "Who's the idiot?"

Doesn't seem to be the people making the videos/instagrams/whatever.

My thought as well. Was the guy who thought up the "Pet Rock" and made a million dollars selling people a rock in a cardboard box, an idiot? Or was it the people who bought one from him? Or was it us, the people who didn't think of it first? :D
Like the 2 couples who expect to get 'free money' so they can buy a boat or get a free boat so they can go on ill conceived long distance voyages.
But then, there is my trip down from Long Island to Miami. No prior planning..... charts books and a very basic hand held GPS. At the time, that GPS it was high cotton.

My cousin's husband, went up to Maine with two friends one summer while they were in college in the 70's and bought a 25 foot wooden sailboat for $5000. They then spent the entire summer sailing it down to Key West, with the few hundred dollars they had left. Then they sold it, for $5000.

I always admired him for that operation. He's sailed across the Atlantic and sailed all over the place since then, but he still talks about that trip.
He took a big leap.
Its pretty sad to think that many think influencer and youtuber are an actual career.
More proof that the movie "Idiocracy" is a documentary, not a comedy as intended.

With so many BS professions in the world it's hard to look down on anything these guys are doing. At least they aren't real estate agents..

I know i'd be terrible at it and if it's so lazy and easy then you guys can give it a shot. Some of them make millions a year and i'm sure you can too :D.
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