Ford Lehman 135 temperature

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Mar 7, 2017
United Kingdom
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
GB 36 Classic
Hi I have two 135's in my GB 36. Both run at 80 C once warm. The port engine gauges have recently registered no more than 40 C.

I have checked the thermostat and it is opening and closing in hot water. In that I have two gauges both reading 40 C I have discounted these being defective (allbeit this may be wrong). Should I suspect the temperature sensor or is there anything else I should consider?

Thanks for your assistance and any advice welcome.

Regards fred
You have swapped the gauge leads, now swap the sender leads to a known good gauge. (You will need a bit of wire to connect the port sender.)

Take a piece of very fine sand paper (emory cloth) 400-800 grit and make sure all connecting surfaces are free of corrosion.

You could simply measure the resistance but Bosis has probably mandated usage of metric ohms because the EU is already using standard ohms so I can't help you on that score.
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