Ford Lehman 2728T losing power

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I had the same problem with one of my SP275s. There is a tube between the aftercooler and the injector pump (looks like a fuel line but it is for air). It is for sensing turbo boost, and it tells the injector pump to ramp up the fuel. Mine was totally clogged and the engine would not exceed 1800 RPM. I took it off and forced acetone through it with a syringe to clear it. Problem solved. Yours could be partially clogged.
Panama, Thank you for the insight. My engines are 225s. They have an intercooler (which I have bypassed per Brian at American Diesel), but no aftercooler. However, there is a sheathed line to the injector pump, but it comes from the base of the oil filter mount. Probably part of the lubrication system for the pump. I pulled it off just to be sure and found it to be patent. It was a good idea though. Thanks, Mike
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