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Scraping Paint
Oct 23, 2007
Originally Posted by FlyWright
.... appear to me and others as an attempt to shut down the conversation. .

Al--- I and others are starting to get tired of your making assumptions about what a poster is or is not trying to do. You don't have a clue about the reasons why I or anyone else posts what they do. The fact that you are an "administrator" does not give you the right to judge any other poster here or what they say unless it violates the forum's guidelines.

It is this attitude that prompted John Baker to rebel against the heavy-handed approach of Trawlers & Trawlering and start this forum in 2007. It's sad to see his idea being corrupted by people who think they are somehow in charge of how the participants here should think. To me, that attitude is grounds for being removed from the administration of this forum.
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Originally Posted by FlyWright
.... appear to me and others as an attempt to shut down the conversation. .

Al--- I and others are starting to get tired of your making assumptions about what a poster is or is not trying to do. You don't have a clue about the reasons why I or anyone else posts what they do. The fact that you are an "administrator" does not give you the right to judge any other poster here or what they say unless it violates the forum's guidelines.

It is this attitude that prompted John Baker to rebel against the heavy-handed approach of Trawlers & Trawlering and start this forum in 2007. It's sad to see his idea being corrupted by people who think they are somehow in charge of how the participants here should think. To me, that attitude is grounds for being removed from the administration of this forum.

So now you're going to publicly attack a member of the site team and publicly ask he be removed as an administrator of the forum? Real classy. If you have a problem with the way the forum is run including the site team, you should address that in private to the owner.

Pot calling the kettle black again when referring to attitude.

I don't agree with all any of the site team members post or all the owner posts, but they certainly have the right to post their opinions as board members just like anyone else. When they post, that's all they generally are, just forum members. When they warn or suspend you, then they'll be acting in their administrative capacity.
I'm hoping "Cooler Heads" will prevail.
If you have a problem with the way the forum is run including the site team, you should address that in private to the owner.

I already have. However I felt it was fair for Al to see my reply to his assumed motivation for my posts on fuel consumption so I moved it here instead of leaving it on the fuel thread where it didn't belong.

John Baker and Doug Cole started Trawler Forum in 2007 in large part as a reaction to the heavy-handed moderation and censorship on what was then the main forum for this kind of boating, Trawlers and Trawlering (T&T). T&T was a mailing list and as such had a number of deficiencies like the inability to post photos as well as other features that the newer forum applications made possible. So there were other reasons for them to create a new forum, but the extremely restrictive control by T&T's administration was a big one.

John and Doug wanted a discussion site where opinions could be expressed freely and there was a fair degree of latitude on where a discussion could go. So the rules they drew up were fairly loose. What this meant, of course, is that topics could generate strong disagreements and even a degree of confrontation depending on the personalities of the participants. John and Doug are smart enough to know that this is the price one pays for the freedom to communicate freely but but they felt it could be made to work. And it did as evidenced by the rapid growth of the forum to the point where it is today.

Some participants don't see it this way. For whatever reasons, disagreement and confrontation make them very uncomfortable. Or they want posters to conform to the way they think posts should be written, or not exceed a certain number of references to something, and so forth.

So they do what they can to prevent it. This is fine when it's just an individual participant but when the administration itself begins to try to exert this kind of control then it's not an ideal situation in my opinion.

Unlike what one of the site team members does with me, I'm not going to make any assumptions about why he feels the way he does or why he executes his role on the site team the way he does because I don't know him and I know nothing about his character or personality. All I know is what I observe on the forum itself and what a few members have expressed.

I believe disagreeing on a particular subject is fine. I believe strongly defending one's position is fine. I believe that poking some fun or sarcasm at the opposing opinions is fine. But I believe that making assumptions about an individual's motives for writing what they write and then accusing them publicly of having these assumed motivations is crap, frankly. Particularly when it's someone they don't know the first thing about.

Awhile back in some thread or another some posters were speculating all over the map about who you and your wife are and why you do what you do and so on. Remember that? Did you two think that was an okay thing for people to be doing in that particular thread? I didn't but maybe I'm the exception, I don't know.

What started this exchange is exactly the same thing. And I happen to think it's not worthy of someone who wants a role in the running of this forum.

If you don't agree that's fine. But what's more important is that if you don't agree your motivation for not agreeing is none of my damn business nor is it something I'm going to speculate about or accuse you of on this forum because I have no idea what makes you tick.
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Originally Posted by FlyWright
.... appear to me and others as an attempt to shut down the conversation. .

Al--- I and others are starting to get tired of your making assumptions about what a poster is or is not trying to do. You don't have a clue about the reasons why I or anyone else posts what they do. The fact that you are an "administrator" does not give you the right to judge any other poster here or what they say unless it violates the forum's guidelines.

It is this attitude that prompted John Baker to rebel against the heavy-handed approach of Trawlers & Trawlering and start this forum in 2007. It's sad to see his idea being corrupted by people who think they are somehow in charge of how the participants here should think. To me, that attitude is grounds for being removed from the administration of this forum.

Somebody needs a Snickers.

Originally Posted by FlyWright
.... appear to me and others as an attempt to shut down the conversation. .

Al--- I and others are starting to get tired of your making assumptions about what a poster is or is not trying to do. You don't have a clue about the reasons why I or anyone else posts what they do. The fact that you are an "administrator" does not give you the right to judge any other poster here or what they say unless it violates the forum's guidelines.

He's not "judging", he's merely commenting. As I and others have done with regards to your posts. I don't thing his comments or those of any others were "over the top". A bit critical, sure, but some of that was, IMHO, warranted. Just normal banter, give and take. Relax.
Just want to make sure I have this right.

1. The board was founded because of too much censorship elsewhere.

2. Al did not censor you or remove anything you said. Basically just said you were annoying to him. Did nothing requiring any administrative power.

3. You want Al's words and ability to post them censored and controlled.

Welcome to logic in the world of Marin.
Just want to make sure I have this right.

1. The board was founded because of too much censorship elsewhere.

2. Al did not censor you or remove anything you said. Basically just said you were annoying to him. Did nothing requiring any administrative power.

3. You want Al's words and ability to post them censored and controlled.

Welcome to logic in the world of Marin.

Succinct summary.
Somebody needs a Snickers.
You bugger.
Until they plant me, I will think of you when I see a Snickers.

This and the gaseous threads leading up to it are very entertaining.
Careful of the ladders...


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3. You want Al's words and ability to post them censored and controlled.

Of course not. He can post whatever he wants just like everybody else.

How this site should be run is totally up to the folks who own it. That does not, however, mean that members who feel there is a problem should not speak up about it, wouldn't you say?

We've had some outstanding site team members since 2007 and we've had some who were not so well suited for the job. Just like every other organization on the planet.
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My glasses are constantly falling off my head. My Obstetrician. No, Patrician. No, Podiatrist. No, Optometrist... these damned Titanium frames were guaranteed to be the apples of my eye for glasses.

Just like these glasses, our opinions are pretty firm. And we all 'know' "Our opinions" are the only correct ones out there.

Another on the forum 'accused' me of: "Great, more low inference information!"

There is more deciphering to be done to get the meaning than may be readily apparent. Sometimes it is really true that more info DOES make you more aware of more information to consider and appreciate. Another perspective can be helpful. However, bitching about others ideas, shortstopping any other input, or putting a stone wall up for any other comments is pretty shortsighted.
I apologize to the forum members for the bad bad bad question, but JUST LOST MY MIND reading this and don't know what came over me. It was like an out of body experience.
I find using the "ignore" option on just a couple users makes a huge difference in the overall tone of the forum. Serenity now, ahhh.
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