Fountaine Pajot Trawler Cats?

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Probably not. The route for the cable down from the flybridge to the hulls takes lots of turns. And it depends on where you want to mount the transducer.

From the flybridge there are 2 conduits to run cable down stairs. One is located under the helm bench seat on the outboard side. You can see it best from below in the cabinet in the cockpit that has the sink and propane tank storage.

On the port side of the flybridge there is another conduit to pass cable through. To reach it you have to craw under the flybridge console all the way around to the rear section of the flybridge bench seat on port side. It is a rather straight line down into the port engine compartment,

My thru hull transducer is mounted at the lowest point in the starboard hull bilge. The bilge compartment just below the stairs going down into the starboard stateroom. I think that is the lowest point on the hull bottom.

Fortunately there are lots of conduit pipes running forward and aft to run cable through in each of the hulls too. FP did a nice job providing lots of these.

As always, thank you UK Lele Girl. I really appreciate your help and I hope to be able to reciprocate some day.
"There seems to be only one waste water tank with a capacity of 40 liters about 10.5 gallons. Is this normal and do both heads pump into this? Discharge to the sea is completely prohibited in Turkish waters and we have a Blue card which digitally records pump outs. If I obey the law [which few people do offshore] I'd have to pump out every day."

When we chartered a sailboat in that part of Turkey, about 10 years ago, all had about that amount of holding capacity and a daily dump out, well outside, was necessary. No blue cards then though. I would think the builders would have the message by now and would be equipping new boats with greater holding capacity.

Good luck with your new Cat. We really enjoyed that coast from Marmaris to Kekova. We were introduced to the area by friends who spent most of almost 4 years cruising the area. Very hard to get tired of it.
Hi koliver,
Thanks for the good wishes. The stretch you cruised is particularly beautiful. I love Kas. Truthfully only one holding tank for 2 heads in opposite hulls makes no sense and although it's a 2003 model it's a French designed/built boat so you would expect more. All will be revealed when I get to do a detailed check.
Some photos attached
The forward deck on your boat seems to be somewhat different to mine. Mine is a 2003 and from what I can see they are different to the 2002 and earlier models. Do you know if this is correct or was this an option or why the difference. Here's a pic of my bow


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Faux trampoline

Yes, FP made 2 versions, closed bows with fiberglass deck in-between and open version with faux trampoline. Ours is open and the trampoline functions as a spray screen. It really keeps the bow spray from hitting us on the fly bridge while underway. It is not a real trampoline and not built strong enough to walk or lay on.


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Thanks. That explains it. Looking at any G34’s for sale I don’t see any closed bow version pre 2003 but this may just be coincidence.
Just referring back to something I posted some time ago about my new purchase. With the help of Google Translate I've managed to strike up a reasonable correspondence with the ex owner. My boat is a 2003 build and was originally owned by a Greek yacht charter company based in Athens. The guy I bought it from got it early 2007 after 3 seasons use. He confirmed that there was no black water holding tank on the boat when he bought it and he says it was supplied by the builders like this but he doesn't know why the charter company opted for direct overboard pumping. I know it was 14 years ago but still seems strange. After he bought it he purchased a tank direct from Fountaine Pajot and fitted it port side and left the starboard side as was. I've e mailed FP to see if they still supply the original tanks.

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