Fuel tank level gauge

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I've got no dipsticks or sight gauges on my tanks, just the electric senders. They work well enough that my estimate of fuel required when we stop at a fuel dock is typically within 10 gallons of what we actually take on. And if a sender or gauge fails, it's not the end of the world, as I have 2 engines and 2 tanks, so barring some incredibly unusual amount of generator runtime (only draws from the port tank), the 2 tanks will always have close to the same amount of fuel in them.
Update....I checked my valves on both sides, upper and lower. All 4 closed. I fueled a month ago adding 100 gallons divided equally in my two 250 gallon tanks. The fuel sight gauge level is about 20% from the bottom. I opened the top valve. Nothing. I then opened the bottom, nothing. Nothing changed! The levels stayed exactly where they were at. Having added 100 gallons I expected them to go up somewhat. What the heck? Someone mentioned they might be clogged. But both? I’m scratching my head....

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