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I generally cruise at around 10kts, burning 20 gallons an hour with twin DD 8V92s. Last week on an hour's run with no hurry to be anywhere I decided to see how slow I would have to go to halve my fuel burn (thinking that the price has roughly doubled). I was astonished to find that 10 GPH correlated to 8kts. I am quite happy at 8kts most of the time, so that is my planned adjustment for general tootling around. Our big annual run is about 200 NM each way and for that I will suck it up (literally!) at a higher speed/fuel burn.

If you drop your speed to 7knots, perhaps you will gain another .4gal/hr??

If one owns a 'true' 7.X knt hull speed trawler you never can go fast.

If you drop your speed to 7knots, perhaps you will gain another .4gal/hr??

If one owns a 'true' 7.X knt hull speed trawler you never can go fast.

He's got a long enough waterline that 8 kts is probably a pretty decent cruise. For a 72 footer, if we assume 62 feet of waterline at minimum, his hull speed should be about 10.5 kts. So 8kts is plenty far below hull speed to be an efficient cruise. Not like the rest of us short waterline snails.
$5.99 per gallon for diesel at Winter Harbor in Brewerton, NY (Erie Canal, West of Lake Oneida).


I used 195 gallons between Norfolk, VA and Brewerton, NY! :dance:


Any chance you noticed their gas price when you filled up? They're usually the cheapest in the state, so there's a chance we may end up adjusting our travel plans in that direction this year if they're significantly cheaper than elsewhere.
Port Orchard, WA Marina was $5.46 usd yesterday.

So it was $5.46 on Thursday and $5.00 even on Saturday when we filled up there!! That's a big difference in a couple of days, even though it's only $46 for us (100 gallons). I wonder how many days in advance they know of a price hike/drop?

All of the gallons per hour per engine rpm calculations are like figuring the speed per engine rpm. A bit more of of a guesstimate than most would like. I once did speed trials at the measured mile in Lake Washington after having the bottom painted. I must have spent half a day running back and forth and made a nice graph. So I knew what I would get at various rpms with a perfectly clean bottom, half tanks, polished and balanced prop, in fresh water, no wind, no current, low barometric pressure, partial sunshine, new moon, etc. The problem was I wouldn't likely ever see those same conditions in the "real world." All that time spent and it would only take three barnacles and a full port water tank to change all that.

So I can say with certainty that when cruising I burn between .6 and 2.3 gallons per hour at 3.6 to 10.8 knots, depending on conditions. Maybe a 10% change in fuel prices isn't that big a deal.
So it was $5.46 on Thursday and $5.00 even on Saturday when we filled up there!! That's a big difference in a couple of days, even though it's only $46 for us (100 gallons). I wonder how many days in advance they know of a price hike/drop?

It depends on how they do their purchasing. If they're getting new pricing at every delivery, they'll often know about when the next delivery is and whether they expect it to go up or down. But they won't always know the exact price until delivery day.
Any chance you noticed their gas price when you filled up? They're usually the cheapest in the state, so there's a chance we may end up adjusting our travel plans in that direction this year if they're significantly cheaper than elsewhere.

Not absolutely certain, but I seem to remember $5.39 per gallon. I called to verify price as they're not listed on Waterway Guide.

Not absolutely certain, but I seem to remember $5.39 per gallon. I called to verify price as they're not listed on Waterway Guide.


They used to be listed, but noticed they're not anymore. $5.39 sounds in the ballpark of what I'd expect based on pricing in Rochester and Oswego. Good to know their price differential is still in the usual range.
In reading this thread I’m wondering why nobody uses heating oil. The last trawler and com boat I owned was filled by calling the heating oil company. My partner and I would pull up to a side tie close to roads and the tank truck would roll out the hose and pump us full. This was New England and diesel was a buck and a half higher. Anyway it’s worth checking out local heating oil prices without all the attached taxes and see if it works price wise. It’s been years so maybe there is no advantage but worth looking into. Might even be a law against it now ? Heating oil burned in my old Cat 343 and 333 very well.
In reading this thread I’m wondering why nobody uses heating oil. The last trawler and com boat I owned was filled by calling the heating oil company. My partner and I would pull up to a side tie close to roads and the tank truck would roll out the hose and pump us full. This was New England and diesel was a buck and a half higher. Anyway it’s worth checking out local heating oil prices without all the attached taxes and see if it works price wise. It’s been years so maybe there is no advantage but worth looking into. Might even be a law against it now ? Heating oil burned in my old Cat 343 and 333 very well.
Some heating oil blends will not have the luberciticy added. You will need to be sure. Delivered home heating oil in north NJ and loaded up in Newark every day during the oil season. Some lanes were just just died fuel oil and other lanes could get clear, died off road, and heating oil. They changed the racks so the arms that used to only do ho could also do died off road because they added luberciticy to the arm.
Some heating oil blends will not have the luberciticy added. You will need to be sure. Delivered home heating oil in north NJ and loaded up in Newark every day during the oil season. Some lanes were just just died fuel oil and other lanes could get clear, died off road, and heating oil. They changed the racks so the arms that used to only do ho could also do died off road because they added luberciticy to the arm.

Yep. I have read that in some areas, home heating oil is diesel fuel. If my memory is correct, diesel fuel is a higher standard than heating oil and in some areas you get diesel delivered to house for heating use. Some engines won't care about the differences in the fuel but some will. Not worth it to me run a fuel of unknown quality/type in the engine.

The price difference is likely to be in taxes, so just make sure to get diesel that is for off road use and is not taxed for road use.

did save a few bucks topping off before leaving from RI to VA. Needed 315g so split a tank with a small commercial trawler. Fuel was suitable for marine engines. Did get volume discount. Think that’s not uncommonly done. Fuel company wants to send out one full truck and have an empty truck return.
Yep. I have read that in some areas, home heating oil is diesel fuel. If my memory is correct, diesel fuel is a higher standard than heating oil and in some areas you get diesel delivered to house for heating use. Some engines won't care about the differences in the fuel but some will. Not worth it to me run a fuel of unknown quality/type in the engine.

The price difference is likely to be in taxes, so just make sure to get diesel that is for off road use and is not taxed for road use.

It starts out of the same tank diesel and HO fuels. At the arm upon delivery pending what is being picked up to the delivery truck at the racks is where the addatives, die, and even blends for winter addatives. I watched the meter ad they inject into the load. It may be half a gallon to a 4500 gallon load but each blend is different but yes the base fuel is same.

I could get clear, off road, and HO all outta the same arm at some of the bottom load arms but each ratio of each addative is different like luberciticy.

If ever getting heating oil from the truck id add some power service into the tank to be sure it had some luberciticy. Because it may not and if you habe a newer diesel it may have toghter tolerance inside the fuel system and you could over time prematurely wear out your fuel system.
Good advise. Not knowing unless I see the valtec sign I do that anyway.
Filled up at Covich in Seattle today. $5,402.25 for 1000 gallons . . .
Ouch! Were will be your next fill up?

We have about 1525 gallons on board right now. We'll go to AK and back, and still probably have about 500 to 700 gallons left when we get back to WA, depending on how much we stray off the straight line. We can get more fuel when we return, or definitely by Winter depending on price of fuel. Hopefully it will go down.
Local Diesel fuel (Langley, British Columbia) at gas stations is the equivalent of $6.58 USD per gallon. I imagine at a fuel dock it is probably more.
Local Diesel fuel (Langley, British Columbia) at gas stations is the equivalent of $6.58 USD per gallon. I imagine at a fuel dock it is probably more.

Not always. Where I am, dock diesel is actually cheaper than road diesel because of taxes, even with the boating premium pricing. The diffences in pricing between boating and road fuels seems much less than in the past. I wonder if marinas are thinking it's better for them to keep prices down. People who need to drive have to pay whatever the price is. Boating is more discretionary for most.
Where is he going to lunch? Perhaps he can make the ultimate sacrifice and drive to Burger King or buy a smaller boat or eat at the dock or parley the lunch time into a month long trip?
Powerful temptation, but I will shut up.

Gotta be a piss take surely ;)

Add: yep, Murdoch rag, not real news at all.

A large boat around 70 feet will burn roughly 130 gallons per hour just to keep the engines running. When it’s actually sailing it will use even more

Our 60 fter can do normal cruising speed for 32 hours on that 130 gallons of fuel.
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Location is a factor. This week $9.00/gallon in Nantucket, MA., $4.35/ gallon in New Bedford, MA. Of course there is a big difference between a commercial port and one for the beautiful and rich. Thankfully I only needed 2.1 gallons of gasoline for the dinghy. Got away for $17.67!


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