GB32 Stern tube removal

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Knot Lost

Oct 18, 2020
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
1973 Grand Banks 32
Hey all!
Long story short, my 1972 woodie 32 burnt up its transmission a while back, but I had never identified the cause. New transmission is in, but over time I noticed a vibration getting worse, even after aligning etc. So on the hard she goes and I now know the original failure cause: stern tube and shaft completely gunned up with untold years of sitting in the mud at low tide, long before I bought her. You couldn’t even rotate the shaft by hand without major leverage.

Prop is all polished up and made true; shaft and coupler all fine and true to each other. However, there are three cutlass bearings: external at prop, internal at shaft seal and one inside the stern tube itself. That last one is the problem child! The manual says to remove the two set screws securing the tube into the cast shaft log, the slide out the tube. But the thing will NOT budge. I mean zero!

Am I missing something? Does anyone out there know a trick, or is it just jammed in from 50 years of life?

Thanks in advance!
We had this bearing replaced a few years ago and it was a job I farmed out to the boat yard mechanics, 53 years it had been in there and in the end it had to be sawzall cut out and removed in pieces from the tube.
GB 32 Shaft log/shaft tube replacement

I’m in real need of information on the design of the shaft tube in my 1973 GB 32 fiberglass hull #464. I purchased in April and hauled out for bottom job and the cutlass bearing needed replacement as well. We needed to cut out the old ‘fixture’ and replace with a good log. First leak discovered immediately upon launch coming from deteriorated area directly under shaft tube in engine room. Repaired that by glassing it up. No leak for 2 months then testing transmission in its slip week ago new leak new area at wall between ER and transom hold. Now wondering if shaft tube is compromised. We will be pulling shaft again this week to investigate. Design plans would be very helpful thanks
Pics of old and new shaft log




I have seen the entire length of the keel opened up along one side for removal. Then glassed in after the replacement.

Probably not as big of a job as you might expect.

Check out my blog, grandbankschoices. We have a section about replacing cutlass bearings on a 42. Pictures showing set screws. Send me a PM and I will put you in touch with John who did the work and can walk you through it.
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