GB46eu repower

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Well, we ran a proper competitive process, we aimed to do something better than just a ‘bargain basement’ outcome, and these are the market prices in Australia for that type of ‘not bargain basement’ work.

There’s is no point in being silly about the cost of this type of endeavour or trying to pretend it’s a lot less than what it actually is.

A purpose of this website is to share information and learn and help each other, so that (for example) if someone else faces the same unfortunate position as me they might have some data and ideas to assist them.

Well, we ran a proper competitive process, we aimed to do something better than just a ‘bargain basement’ outcome, and these are the market prices in Australia for that type of ‘not bargain basement’ work.

There’s is no point in being silly about the cost of this type of endeavour or trying to pretend it’s a lot less than what it actually is.

A purpose of this website is to share information and learn and help each other, so that (for example) if someone else faces the same unfortunate position as me they might have some data and ideas to assist them.

Hamish, mate, take it easy. There was no intention to offend you or to be silly. I understand and appreciate what this site is for. But it doesn't always need to be analytical exposay without being open to opinion either well intended or sometimes being humorous sarcasm.
Like I said, never was it my intent to annoy.
Thanks for providing the actual numbers. We all get the itch to replace our engines with newer more efficient ones from time to time. Going with new ones vs rebuilding the existing ones is way more than I'd have thought. I'd have guessed 1.5x but not 3+x.
Hamish, mate, take it easy. There was no intention to offend you or to be silly. I understand and appreciate what this site is for. But it doesn't always need to be analytical exposay without being open to opinion either well intended or sometimes being humorous sarcasm.
Like I said, never was it my intent to annoy.

Oh, yeah. Thanks for taking the time to post your engine change journey. It's been a real eye opener.

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