Giant Cargo Ship Jams Suez Canal

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Relative to the ship showing the backhoe the penis looks small .. very narrow. To the extent of .... why bother?
Mr. NW. Methinks you have missed the point. Read the article cited in post #30.

Ms. JH. Yup. That's ALL part of the plan....Thumb your nose at the GMOU (Great Mass of the Unwashed).
Evergreen eh? Any connection to Evergreen airlines which has connection to the CIA?

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Pilou, I merged the two similar threads.

I expect we'll hear soon they have finally accepted the unavoidability of getting an empty container ship (with cranes) as near as possible, and swinging a fair number of containers off her, if they ever want to get her moved. :facepalm:
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Pilou, I merged the two similar threads.

I expect we'll hear soon they have finally accepted the unavoidability of getting an empty container ship (with cranes) as near as possible, and swinging a fair number of containers off her, if they ever want to get her moved. :facepalm:

Merci Pierre :thumb:

Dual effect of unloading shipping containers : to directly lighten the ship and to allow draining part of the ballast tanks - which are still fully filled with sea water - to make the boat even lighter.

Satellite images from French National Centre for Space Research (CNES) & Airbus Industrie (Airbus) of Ever Given, and other ships waiting idly.


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Maybe the idea is too simple but wouldn't a couple of heavy lift helicopters make quick work of this? Move containers ashore or onto other ships.


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Maybe Vladimir, The Poisoner of Underpants, will loan Egypt some Russian heavy-lift helicopters?
Excuse my ignorance. So you have this fully loaded ship of 400 meters running into the side at 13 knots. One would think it would have massive inertia. What if any structural damage to this vessel would be expected? Would this further complicate the situation?
I understand this vessel had all navigational aids but to my eye I don’t see a helm. Where is it? Could anybody see in front of the bow or even the sides of the canal except on a screen?
Excuse my ignorance. So you have this fully loaded ship of 400 meters running into the side at 13 knots. One would think it would have massive inertia. What if any structural damage to this vessel would be expected? Would this further complicate the situation?
I understand this vessel had all navigational aids but to my eye I don’t see a helm. Where is it? Could anybody see in front of the bow or even the sides of the canal except on a screen?

CCTV, and human lookouts.
Thank you. As I thought no direct vision.

Any comments on whether there’s structural damage to the ship further complicating matters?
Actually the pilothouse peeks above the containers about midship.

Fortunately it ran into sand and shallows prior to striking the edge of the canal, which is also relatively soft.
Whatever happened, I feel for the skipper and pilot. Even if it was their fault, it can’t be a lot of fun to have literally the entire world assuming you’re an incompetent moron.

Having said that, I’m surprised nobody has posted this yet:

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Had an interesting chat today with a military officer from a Middle East country’s army.
His view how to free the container ship. Egypt army operates 1,360 M1A1 Abrams tanks.


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Had an interesting chat today with a military officer from a Middle East country’s army.
His view how to free the container ship. Egypt army operates 1,360 M1A1 Abrams tanks.

I have driven tanks and gotten them stuck. If you show up with a few hundred of them maybe, but the bollard pull of a large tug is equal to many, many tanks. The four in the diagram will do..... nothing. tug is,Anchor Handling Tug Supply vessel.

Meanwhile, for those that want up to the minute information......
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His thoughts were that a solution may come from immobile element as ground more than mobile element as water in a narrow canal where circular flows & conflicting currents happen when tugs operate all together.
Anyway this was not my personal views nor my problem.
His thoughts were that a solution may come from immobile element as ground more than mobile element as water in a narrow canal where circular flows & conflicting currents happen when tugs operate all together.
Anyway this was not my personal views nor my problem.

Oh the fact that there is solid ground on both sides of the equation is definitely a plus. But the equipment required is going to be substantial if not on the edge of what exists and probably not located within the region.

The thing weighs almost a quarter of a million tons.
His view how to free the container ship. Egypt army operates 1,360 M1A1 Abrams tanks.

Take it from an old cavalry man who has buried and dug out a few tracked vehicles, his 1360 tanks manned by 5440 enlisted men will need 5440 shovels.
Where is Eric?
Take this suggestion and replace each M1A1 with a different anchor and see which one holds better when an adequate winch on the vessel reels it in.
winch & anchor.jpg
10 tugs pulling on the starboard stern and 10 tugs pushing on the port stern with the main engine in reverse at high tide might make it wiggle a little or tear it in half. Do you feel lucky? :D
10 tugs pulling on the starboard stern and 10 tugs pushing on the port stern with the main engine in reverse at high tide might make it wiggle a little or tear it in half. Do you feel lucky? :D

Don't forget to lay on the bow thrusters too
I don't think anyone here is comprehending the magnitude of the forces involved..... Bottom line is they are either going to unload all or part of the cargo, or remove the sand below the ship. Let's see: twenty THOUSAND containers and not a crane that has the reach and load capability in sight, if even in existence. If a helicopter would take a half hour per container it would take three months to remove half of them. Not to mention any restrictions on unloading sequence vis a vis structural effects. Dredging or sucking sand would take months. Building two coffer dams either side and RAISING the water inside would take.... who knows. But don't take my word for it.
Here's some science:

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Dredging pumps output to fluidize the sand at the bow. They must have equipment like that in the neighborhood.

And I agree, consult with Eric for anchor type to pull the stern off the sand.

Stuff is gonna get bent, let the tugs walk this monster through to Alexandria, deal with it there.
Water ingress reported in forward compartment. She's taking a lot of stress in a place that wasn't designed for that...... This may get ugly.

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