Give thanks

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
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My family, my boat and we haven’t caught the virus yet.
I am thankful for my sweet, beautiful, 'house mouse.'
What's left of my health.
I can afford to buy food and I know how to cook.
and then, the more traditional things such as the boat still floats and pretty much finished and works too.
All the usual stuff. :)
Gods grace to give me strong friendships, family and the continuing love from my bride.
Those days and nights in the open ocean with no light pollution, hull with a bone in its teeth, dolphins in the compression wave off the bows, feeling overwhelmed by the majesty of it all.
Health, family, friends, and functioning Yanmars...
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I am thankful for my family and friends. I am thankful for all who serve, in our militaries, our front line healthcare workers, and our first responders. I am also thankful for having good neighbours, that is our American friends both to the north and south of us.
Happy Thanksgiving to all American TF members! May you all stay safe and enjoy the day (as best as possible under these circumstances).:D
I give thanks every day for good friends, a mind that's still sound (some people may disagree), and that I'm still blessed with amazingly good health!

I am thankful for the eagle on my satellite dish this morning.


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I'm thankful that my cancer treatments have allowed me to have a pretty normal life, for the support I've gotten from my loving wife and friends and neighbors, for the wonderful lifestyle we are able to enjoy and much more!
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