Good Bye Marin Faure

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Oct 31, 2007
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
Willard Nomad 30'
Looks like this is it Marin,

I'll not only miss you but in many ways. Back in 08 or 09 you made me furious many many times. Frustrated to the point of quitting TF who knows how many times. "He just dosn't get it" and you were say'in the same of me I'm sure. But as the posts rolled, tumbled and crashed by I got to know you. It was easy. You're not a man to hide anything like an opinion or two so it wasn't long before I knew what was coming from Marin Fare. I developed a new hobby that I'm a bit ashamed of and that is that it became fun to bait you in this direction or that but you rarely moved about in your opinions ... Are you a Capricorn? Most all the time when the Fare feet touched the ground they didn't move even an inch after. More frustration of course. But I began to develop a new appreciation for you and even if you were too stubborn and failed to see the point of this or that to my satisfaction we began to show respect for one another on the board and I don't see that changing.

With you gone I'm going to feel somewhat vulnerable. You've always been out there in front (10000 posts can't be wrong) and I could always slide back and leave you to do the battles I couldn't measure up to and didn't know **** about. Now I'm being more selective about threads.

We do seem a bit addicted to TF and I've given some thought to dropping out for the summer so as not to do the rut thing (no not that rut).

But I suspect you have a serious conflict in your life w TF and must move on to more important things. Now that we've talked about everything it isn't exactly like the good old days and the threads are getting more social and silly and less about boats but I'm frequently surprised at a thread and think "why haven't we talked about that before?".

So now your'e moving on in life and I'm wishing you happy wakes and new and stimulating experiences. I know you'll settle for nothing less.

As always



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There was once a man who told me that, regardless of what the effort was for, doing it so completely (like 10,000 shares) should be measured by ones own opportunity to be affected by them. I think Eric has voiced that very well.

Sincere thanks for your years of sharing. Whether they have inspired us or provoked us, they are all food for change and introspection in ourselves. Those of us that decided to use them for our own growth have benefitted greatly, and those of us that didn't have probably closed doors to much of our self-realization. You have "un-apologetically" been a leader of this forum since the beginning, and I'll miss you, Marin. Best wishes, even though I'm sure you'd rather not hear it.
I understand that Marin has other adventures to conquer, and wish him well- but at the same time, I don't understand his logic for drooping out at 10k posts...

..but, it's not really mine to understand.
Sorry, but he's the only person on this forum I've got on "ignore" (too much baiting and too many belittling personal attacks toward those who didn't deserve it for my tastes) so I missed the exiting. Was it grand, or subtle?
He will be back! Once you are hooked, you need a fix! :eek::D

I see his post count is fixed as it has not moved from 9,996 the last dozen for so posts, so he will not reach 10,000, or he may come back under another name? :confused:

I am sure he will still lurk!

Back in '07', Marin and I got off to a rocky start. I attacked him for his long winded posts, "know it all attitude", etc. I couldn't wait to see who and what he would skewer next. He probably made more enemies than friends but I am not one of them. (Enemy, that is.)

Marin Faure is one smart dude. A very talented writer and the most curious person I have ever run across. He has traveled extensively, learned from it and shared it with anyone who cared to read his writings. Yes, he could be rather caustic at times, yet very supportive in defending a friend or cause.

I hope that this hiatus is a brief one as his impact on this forum will be missed. (Certainly by me.)
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Did I miss a post or thread where Marin said he is leaving TF?
I'm a bit mystified about this thread, as I don't see any evidence that Marin Faure is leaving the forum, other than he hasn't posted anything in the last few minutes.
I certainly hope he is still here.
Maybe Marin Fare is a dfferent person
I don't know who Marin Fare is:), but I hope that Marin Faure is not leaving the forum.
When I posted this thread he had 6 posts left.

I assumed he was here.

I checked .. he was on last night but not today.

Guess I was a day late say'in goodbye.
Fair winds and following seas, Marin. I feel like a classmate of yours as we have gone along in parallel through cyberspace about all things boats(and airplanes). I hope you choose to hang around. I think deciding to leave based on an arbitrary number of posts is silly. Nobody will harass you if you decide to hang around....okay, maybe some of us will!!!...;).

Take care amigo and trawler on,
When did Marin say he was leaving the forum, did I miss it ? I will certainly miss his input.
He mentioned it as an aside in a recent thread.
And here i was looking forward to seeing whether the post counters here on TF could reach the 100,000 post mark. :)

Hope you are well Marin.
Noticed Marin had deleted his avatar on his posts yesterday.

Liked his posting style, Lots of informative details about his GB36.

Happy Trawlering.

For a bunch of old farts, there is some serious immaturity here.

I like Marin's posts. I didn't always agree with him, but respect his opinions.
Glad to see someone corrected the spelling.:)

I am keeping my account open so I can continue to correspond via PM with the couple of people I like to correspond with.

But as I told Pau Hana-- whose company, Anchor Marine, has been our marine insurance broker for the last 14+ years and i highly recommend them no matter what part of the country you're in-- 9,000+ posts to an internet forum, and a recreational one at that, is downright embarrassing to say nothing of being immoral and probably illegal, at least in this state. The more I looked at that number the more ridiculous I felt, and a lot of members have made it clear they feel the same way. So to hit 10,000 would be unacceptable.

I joined the forum right after John and Doug started it in 2007 as an antidote to the very strictly controlled T&T list. I continue to commend them for their willingness to give it a shot and the effort they put into their endeavor. They did the recreational motor cruising community a huge service.

But had I known I would become this active I would have-- or should have-- pulled the plug right off the bat. A lot of people today wish I had.:). But I didn't and here we are at this ludicrous number of posts.

So enough's enough.

While my forum participation was certainly prolific it actually didn't take up much of my time. For whatever reason-- parents who were professional writers and published authors perhaps--- I can be a fast writer when I need to be and I dashed off TF posts while waiting for planes or during forced downtime while editing or waiting for a crew to set up the next shot or whatever. Nevertheless time is a finite commodity and I have other things I should be using it for.

I'll for sure peruse the forum fairly frequently at first just out of sheer habit and perhaps send a PM if I feel I have something useful to pass on to a poster. But I'm making it as hard as I can to access it.

I think I've got a couple of posts left to 9999. Or maybe this one's it. I'll know when I hit Submit.:)
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Agree with him or not, you must admit he was the biggest straw that stirred this TF drink. He will truly be missed, and, unfortunately it will be noticed that he's gone.
Marin, you are being a bit drastic, and a bit uncharacteristically sensitive, if you think anyone on here is affected one way or another by your post count. I doubt many even notice, and if they do, the main reaction would be one of you having been on here longer than most, which you have. However, if it would help keep you posting, how about we at site office look at possibly winding back the speedo, so the post count goes back to say coupla hundred..? If that's possible. I'd have to check with Janet et al. Waddayasay...?
Well, I have to say that it was great fun doing wannabe windows on different boats. It just won't be the same without the Father of wannabe philosophy around to critique the work. Heck, I was getting ready to do a whole new series on wannabe hause-pipes. :(
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