Good Bye Marin Faure

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Position Vacant

Trawler Forum is seeking an Erudite contributor to replace our senior contributor in this vibrant member led organisation.

If you have the following qualities and feel you are the right fit, we would love to hear from you.

* A sharp wit, who does not suffer fools gladly, perceived or otherwise
* The ability to string words together(lots of them) in coherent and grammaticality correct sentences
* Be able to hold a predetermined course, both on the water and in the face of differing opinion no matter how paradoxical the issue, or evidence based
* Believe that Bruce anchors,stern thrusters, hot weather, single engines,driving from a flybridge, use of the word flybridge instead of flying bridge, Lehman engines , Grand Banks boat design,reversed raked windows,cooking etc are a work of the devil or fools or both.

Trawler Forum HR Manager interviewing MF candidate.

HR Manager "Tell me, what do you consider your greatest weakness"
MF candidate ".....well, perhaps telling the truth"
HR manager "Telling the truth, I don't think that could be called a weakness"
MF candidate "Who the f*ck cares what you think.
HR Manager "Congratulation you got the job" :D

skipperdude - I'm always pleased to hear from you and know you are well. Keep on enjoying your life! Live long!! - Art
I don't think he really disrespects us as a whole.

He just said the wrong thing.

10000 presentations to us over 6 years shows a great deal of respect but saying it was a waste of time is obviously incorrect. His bad.

I agree Eric. If I thought he really meant that, I would be a bit insulted.
Anyway Marin, if you weren't posting during those airport waits, other down times, etc, just what the heck else would you have been wasting your time doing...? Methinks thou dost protest too much, so just suck it up, get over it, and stay tuned and ready. I feel another anchor stousch coming on...
Every one has a good reason for finding other things to do with their time.

Prescious thing time.
SD; It's great to hear from you again! I'll be in SE Alaska on the 20th of July but probably no where near your cabin. (Angoon?)

How's the boat running and that 3208 overhaul that we all lived through?
Miss your adventures and the cookies you sent me from the bakery,:)whistling:)

Seriously, Great to hear from you again. :thumb:
Seahorse - Is the boat in the avatar the boat you will be bringing to SE AK?
If so, I will keep an eye open. At that time of the year, we could be in our home port of Ketchikan, gunkholing, or heading or returning or in Wrangell for golf. Something to lookout for.
Position Vacant

HR Manager "Tell me, what do you consider your greatest weakness"
MF candidate ".....well, perhaps telling the truth"
HR manager "Telling the truth, I don't think that could be called a weakness"
MF candidate "Who the f*ck cares what you think.
HR Manager "Congratulation you got the job" :D

Super great! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Also great to hear from you Skipperdude. You've been absent, but you're back in time to catch this photo shot of the rare GB 36 wannabe Sport-Fisher. Windshield, windows, fly-bridge, canvas enclosure, hause pipes, and even the shanks of the capable twin Bruce anchors are raked forward for greater ground-holding and pulpit appeal. The tuna tower adds a practical counterbalance of the extra weight, and really gets the girls.


  • grandbanks36 wannabe sport fish.jpg
    grandbanks36 wannabe sport fish.jpg
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You've been absent, but you're back in time to catch this photo shot of the rare GB 36 wannabe Sport-Fisher..
Man! I wish I could do that! :thumb::thumb::thumb:
Healhustler, I am laughing so hard I am crying!!! That is absolutely fantastic!!!! Thanks for your hard work!!!!

Marin, I have something that will scare you back to TF. That 830 hours you spent on here. Guess what? Instead of spending that time on a might have to spend more time with ACTUAL PEOPLE!!!!!! PEOPLE THAT WANT TO HANG OUT AND TALK BOATS WITH YOU!!!!!! The horror!!!!

It's your choice amigo!!!!;) ;) ;) :lol: :lol: :lol:
Super great! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Also great to hear from you Skipperdude. You've been absent, but you're back in time to catch this photo shot of the rare GB 36 wannabe Sport-Fisher. Windshield, windows, fly-bridge, canvas enclosure, hause pipes, and even the shanks of the capable twin Bruce anchors are raked forward for greater ground-holding and pulpit appeal. The tuna tower adds a practical counterbalance of the extra weight, and really gets the girls.

You are a scholar and a gentleman. I believe this may be the greatest gift TF has given to Marin and while he may be on radio silence, I know he is reading this and most likely his printer is busy printing away as his wife is running to the store to get a suitable picture frame. I say Bravo!

P.S. I am tempted to snag this photo and create an ad on yachtworld for her with a list price of $229,900 with a hint of extensive owner improvements and upgrades just to see what kind of person calls on the ad. If only I had Marin's phone # I could even place his # as the contact number so he could talk boating with them. :) ;) :)
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hh - Too F'n funny :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Ws - Sounds like a plan! :D
I believe this may be the greatest gift TF has given to Marin and while he may be on radio silence, I know he is reading this and most likely his printer is busy printing away as his wife is running to the store to get a suitable picture frame.

Tony....I suspect that by temporarily making the photo your Avatar, your real motivation may be to steal the greatly anticipated, prestigious Woodsong Memorial Avitar Trophy for 2013. Fowl!


  • WoodsongTrophy-?.jpg
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In an exchange with Walt (Seahorse II) yesterday I did the math and realized that if I figure an average time of five minutes to write a post that's a total of 833 hours. 833 hours of totally unproductive time. What a freakin' waste! I should have thought to run the numbers years ago. I would have stopped way back then.

Knowing this I am hoping it will motivate me not to return and waste any more.

The only thing I might do is start an account under a different heading so if I get any cool photos on our fishing trips and cruises I can post them on West Coast Cruising. We all like to look at pictures.

But that might lead me back into active participation in the forum so I'll have think that one through very carefully.

But 833 hours totally wasted that I'll never get back. That's bloody insane.

I would tend to disagree! It is not wasted time as you have helped countless folks here. You do have an impact and are respected by many...
hustler I'm w you but the only mod I like on your Marin avatar is the Bruce anchor. I'm going to start a new thread on the Bruce/Claws but I'll wait till Marin fades into the woods to start.

There's very few anchors (if any) that compare w the B/C as a piece of sculpture.

But I'm with Marin on the slant stuff.

If you see this I just wanted to say I've enjoyed your posts and acerbic whit. I wish you well in your future endeavors.


If it is something you enjoy doing, who cares if it is "productive". All work and no play makes Marin a dull boy. Lord knows, if I spend half as much time thinking about business as I do about boating....I'd be rich.

Whatever the case, you will be missed.
Tony....I suspect that by temporarily making the photo your Avatar, your real motivation may be to steal the greatly anticipated, prestigious Woodsong Memorial Avitar Trophy for 2013. Fowl!

Larry, Larry, know me too well but let's just say this....I DO think you need to adjust the boat image shown on the trophy. I'm not saying it necessarily has to be the GB 36WBSF (WannaBe Sport Fish) but doing so could perhaps improve your chance of personally winning this prestigious award.... ;):thumb::dance:
But I'm with Marin on the slant stuff.

Eric: I never doubted that you would stand with Marin on the forward-raked stuff, and it would be scary to meet the person who preferred those ridiculous mods over the real thing. It sounds as if I like the GB 36 more than Marin does. Looking forward to the anchor thread.
So is Marin going to take the "new math bait"? I hope so. I really enjoy your prose!
hustler, your graphics skills are nothing short of sensational! I really look forward to your artistic creations. Some (like this one) have me laughing my head off, and others I think you should send to some of the boat builders as suggestions for future products. Thank you! Please keep them coming!

I have an i-mac w i-photo. Haven't gotten into it much yet. Can I do the things you do on TF w I-photo?

You probably have a PC and don't know and I prolly can't anyway. The Apple girl that sold me the i-mac said I could probably do all I wanted w i-photo. But I don't think she ever thought I'd be want'in to do the tricks you've been up to on TF. What do you think?
Question: PO (manyboats) why you publish his full name?? first time even incorrect...

His TF name is simply "Marin" I hope some moderator remove his family name every where in this thread......... Now his FULL name will stay forever on the World Wide Web!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS. OP (Manyboats) why you hide your self behind an alias?????? something wrong in your life what we not allowed to know????

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You talking about Marin Faure? Oops! Sorry, he's a published author. I'm sure he doesn't mind a bit of name recognition. There, I just him a plug!
Question: PO (manyboats) why you publish his full name?? first time even incorrect...

His TF name is simply "Marin" I hope some moderator remove his family name every where in this thread......... Now his FULL name will stay forever on the World Wide Web!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS. OP (Manyboats) why you hide your self behind an alias?????? something wrong in your life what we not allowed to know????


Easy there, Cees! Marin has never tried to hide his name. And neither has Eric. Let's keep the thread going in a positive direction! It has been a ball up to this point. A "Marin Roast" if you will!!!
You talking about Marin Faure? Oops! Sorry, he's a published author. I'm sure he doesn't mind a bit of name recognition. There, I just him a plug!

Yep, of course....... now he must pay incognito OP for making reclame??????



I have an i-mac w i-photo. Haven't gotten into it much yet. Can I do the things you do on TF w I-photo?

All the Photo-Shop stuff I do has either been on an old 2.4 Gig PC with "Photoshop Elements" (79 bucks at vendors, last time I checked) or more recently with Photo-Shop CS on an old Mac Powerbook G4. I also have Corel Painter and Adobe Illustrator, but rarely use it for TF creations. I haven't tried I-Photo yet.

Later versions of Photo-Shop probably have button push operations for many of the changes I do but new programs are big bucks. For all I know, there may be easier ways to do these things on the software I have now, but the programs are so large that half the fricken work is learning and practicing with the software. It's still very labor intensive.

If you want to start experimenting with this, I suggest going with PhotoShop Elements. With few exceptions, that program has enough features to allow you to do almost any mod you've seen from me on TF, but doing searches to put together parts like a fly-bridge off one photo, a canvas setup off another and a tuna tower off another still require a lot of eye and hand work with lighting and blending. Then there are the pieces you simply must make from scratch if it is a paid, detailed photo enhancement for a project, etc..

Lastly, there is the amount of knowledge you have about the subject you are working with. If it is boats, you know darned well that Bayliner windows don't go well on a Willard. Using "believable" resources for a photo mod comes from feeling and sensing how forms can work with (or against) one another, depending on what you want to create. When I read the shares here on the forum about style, and then see the photos you include to indicate the
feeling" of that form, it becomes obvious that many of you have all the knowledge needed to produce real designs, not the ridiculous hodgepodge that I you see me use for entertainment value here on TF.

I began this work to clarify old photographs of antique machinery that were part of my hobby. Now, I make a few side dollars working for design groups to demonstrate photographically, what a finished product would look like. Anyone could do it with enough practice with a decent software, but if you can blend your knowledge (collective logic and reason) with your sensing ability (emotion) and your spirit (potential and possibility), then you must be quite a resourceful person, and that resourcefulness will show-up in your creations, whatever they may be.
Thanks so much hustler.

One thing I'd really like to do is darken a sky background and keeping all else as photographed. With my apple "tools" I can change;


and a few others but everything happens to the whole picture. If I want ideal skin tones all else must follow the skin tone adjustments.

Walt .... Yup I'm sure your'e better at this than I. I haven't really used i-photo yet. So your'e ahead of me.

Marin still has two posts right?
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hustler, your graphics skills are nothing short of sensational! I really look forward to your artistic creations. Some (like this one) have me laughing my head off, and others I think you should send to some of the boat builders as suggestions for future products. Thank you! Please keep them coming!

X2 :thumb:
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