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Sep 24, 2024
Retired a few years ago and need a new adventure. The Great Loop sure looks like a possibility with a lot of good times and memories thrown in. As I research the skills, knowledge, and boat requirements, I hope to purchase a loop boat by the end of the year and have enough confidence in my ability to begin the loop in November of 25 from Pickwick Lake.

Look forward to soaking up what I can from this site.

Welcome. If I was single, it is definitely something that I would consider. Sounds like a great experience.
Did the Loop solo in 2017.

Think of the Loop as a series of day trips. Get up each morning with a plan for what you will do today. Check the weather and decide whether you will go or stay. It's like eating an elephant, one bite at a time.

The other advice is to stop and get off the boat. Don't be afraid to leave the beaten path. The trip is an adventure where the boat is merely transportation and accommodations.

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