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For Sale: Grand Banks 1981 49' For sale.

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Ron T

Senior Member
Oct 13, 2007
Vessel Name
Grand Yankee
Vessel Make
1981 49' Grand Banks Classic
60,000 pounds of fiberglass and teak. Twin Lehman SP-355 engines. 1900 hours. 474 CID. Turbos. 15 KW Northern Lights generator. New bottom up to water line. New large swim platform. Four new AC/heat units. New Sea Frost ice box-freezer. Located upper east shore Chesapeake Bay. All new Blue Sea electrics. Stabilized. Asking $ 150,000. Mobile 516-523-6796
I'll second that, MarlinMike

Looking forward to more than a thousand words. Your ad RonT is just the teaser, right? It sounds like a great boat.
PM me at 678-777-1745 any additional info and pics
Banks still for sale ai $125,000. Continued up date. More monies being spent. Call for photos.
Ron, your shooting yourself in the foot! Lots of GB lovers here that wouldn't give this add a second look without pictures or a link. You have a captive audience of trawler enthusiasts.....
Without photos, most people think you are trying to hide something. Not saying that you are, but that is usually the perception. I would add dozens of photos, that is the way to entice people to call. I would not call just to get photos. Just my 2 cents worth.
Banks still for sale ai $125,000. Continued up date. More monies being spent. Call for photos.

Ron, perhaps by now I thought you might have twigged to the relationship between photos and a sale - or at least enquiries
7 posts suggesting pics....and still no pics.....



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I have sold 2 boats in the last 2 years. I listed them on Boat Trader and both had very detailed descriptions with listing of all improvements made. But most important in my opinion was the 40 to 50 plus good quality photos of each boat. I took photos of every angle I could think of. I wanted the potential buyer to see that I was willing to show the entire boat. In both cases the first person to come look at the boat bought it.
The OP included his phone number, instead of grousing call him. And yes, the ad is over a year old.
Hi. Either call me at 516-523-6796 or leave email I can send photos to. Vessel is in Maryland yard.
I hope you have received all the photos I send. Computer skills not very high. Let me know your questions.

Ron its very easy to add attachments. When you go to make a reply, click the "manage attachments" button. If you are at all serious about selling, you would post some pics and more information.
One at a time gets old.
On a PC, may be different on Mac or the phone / tablet app.

  1. Click "Post Reply" or in "Quick Reply" click "Go Advanced"
  2. Click "Manage Attachments" the paper clip icon
  3. Browse to your pics
    1. Select your pics just like opening a file
    2. Select up to 10 pics
    3. Click "Upload" to upload all pics at one time
    4. Click "Close this window"
  4. Click "Preview Post" to make sure it's all good
  5. If you don't like it, go back to the paper clip icon and try again.
Your pics are now loaded as attachments.

If you want to insert the pics in the body of your post

  1. With images uploaded and attached
  2. Click the paper clip icon
  3. Click "Insert All"

Pretty easy after you've done it one time.


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Port age Bay. Thank you. thank you. I do appreciate your time and patience. I will do my best to learn. I wind up sending one photo at a time to folks who are truly interest. Thanks again. Ron T
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