Grand Banks 36 Classic

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Feb 1, 2022
Vessel Name
Sea Santa III
Vessel Make
Grand Banks 36 Classic
I am rebuilding my stb engine so the engine room has much greater manuvering room right now. I would like to replace my steel (or aluminum?) Black water holding tank and now seems like a good time. But the Westerbeke generator is setting on top of the tank so it looks like it needs to be removed as well. Anyone out there with experience along these lines?
Dear Jimgram,

You might try taking up the engine room floorboards and see if there is wood framing that you can remove to slide out the holding tank without moving the generator. Before you do this, be sure you can access the connections for the sanitation lines (between toilet(s) and tank). Caveat: be sure to empty the holding tank before doing this. Good luck!
You probably can lift the genset straight up with some blocks and a strap. Check out my blog, grandbankschoices, where I replace the genset pan. I just left all hoses and connections, just went straight up 18-24". Pump it dry and let it sit a week or two.
When you get the new tank do not use metal. Better to use a plastic one. I like Ronco tanks. They are heavy duty and well made. They will put in the fittings where you specify. They have hundreds of stock tanks so it is likely they will have one that will fit.

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