Great loop boat

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I saw that ad for Boomerang as well. Pretty sure there are old threads here involving that boat.

The Fales/Willard boats were my first choice when I was looking for an inexpensive loop boat. Everything else I considered was sort of benchmarked against that boat. They're scarce though, and some are pretty tired.

As Frosty mentioned, I did the loop in an old Mainship 34. It had more comforts than I had set out to find, and served me well. But I was largely solo and have pretty low needs. I really liked the boat. Good choice.

Any boat in that price range is going to be a compromise. I'd argue for small. The older European boats like the Albin 27 could do the trip quite handily and economically, and are comfortably in your price range.

We have a friend who just moved from Sail to an Albin 27 and I think that would be and excellent loop boat for two esp. with good Canvas across the mid-cockpit. A bit small for my taste, but comfy and capable!
Don't iphones have a GPS chip in them now? Not sure just any satellite will help with nav.
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