Groco solenoid sea cock valves

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Caballero II

Senior Member
Mar 12, 2017
Vessel Name
Caballero II
Vessel Make
Grand Banks Classic 36
Does anyone know if Groco solenoid-assist can be added to existing Groco sea cock valves. It looks like the could if the existing valves have attachment points that would mate with the solenoid assisted apparatus, but so far I haven't been able to find out. Thanks.
Did you call Groco? I have always found them helpful.
No, it's Sunday night. Hoping for a quick and knowledgeable answer. Will be on my list to do. If anyone does have experience making that conversion with your original Groco thru-hulls, I'd still love to hear how that goes. I imagine those thru-hull bodies maybe didn't anticipate that add on, but it would be sweet if they did because I wouldn't have to wait until next haul-out to make the conversion. I could do it at her slip. That would be more than convenient, I must say (Martin Short).

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