Hall cleaning

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Jan 5, 2024
Is there a good cleaner or someone’s home made brew that can be sprayed on with a spryer then rinsed off I have a 40ft boat to clean
Thanks for your input
Very dependent on what you are trying to clean off. Most of the cleaners sold at West Marine do mostly what they say. Any serious dirt is going to require some manual scrubbing. You may need to compound and wax. One of the many joys of boating.
If you are trying to remove barnacles, nothing short of a pressure washer will do.

If you are trying to clean off slime, Hull cleaner, which is oxalic acid is best.
Hall cleaning?????


Or did you mean hull cleaning?
Yes I have used starbrite it works grate but at $20 a bottle I was looking for a home brew that one can mix up and spray just for general cleaning and would be nice if something in it would help taking of oxidation or whatever makes our boats dull lol
Hall cleaning?????


Or did you mean hull cleaning?

I got this, I used to be the hall monitor in elementary school. Keep the janitor’s number on speed dial and a mop and bucket close. Puke is a 2273 in progress.?
Yes I have used starbrite it works grate but at $20 a bottle I was looking for a home brew that one can mix up and spray just for general cleaning and would be nice if something in it would help taking of oxidation or whatever makes our boats dull lol

Soft Scrub with bleach in it works wonders against everything from soot on the stern to rust and hard water stains. Apply it liberally and rub it in with a soft scrubby if your hull is that dull that you’re not worried about the finish.

I used it for years on my commercial parasail boats as it was the only thing to remove everything especially exhaust soot, and if used with a damp rag doesn’t scratch.

I used to often scrub my boats down with a soft rag with it to remove the oxidation before I would hit them with a mild cleaner compound. Much cheaper and friendlier to use than 3m heavy duty buffing compound.
I have used Shurhold Buff Magic to polish the hull and help remove the oxidation.

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