Hello All,

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Dec 17, 2015
United States
Vessel Name
Makenzie E
Vessel Make
Eagle 40
Good morning all,
I am a new Member here, joined mostly because I am selling my Trawler.
She has been a wonderful boat for me, I have had her nineteen years. Lived on her for the last 14.
I am in the boat biz in Ft Lauderdale, we repair tenders.
I was a capatain for many years running large motoryachts before I started my business.
Cruised the East Coast of the US, St Lawrence Seaway, Great lakes, Gulf Coast, Bahamas, Caribbean, got a couple of Great Loops under my belt, as well as a Great, Great Loop.
Not getting out of boating, I just got something a little bigger and faster.
I belong to a couple of other marine forums, but happy to explore new ones.
Ole Parker
Welcome aboard

Sergio "Alemao" Sztancsa
Sent from my iPhone, using Trawler Forum

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