Hello from AZ

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Welcome aboard. We lived in Tucson for about 30 years before moving back to Michigan.
I am a Michigander living in Arizona and just bought a DeFever 44OC in Cheboygan, Mi. We will be spending summers back there full time in a couple years. This site has a wealth of knowledge for your trawler needs. Welcome.
Cheboygan is just a bit up the road from us. There is great cruising colse by there.
I lived in Tucson from 1974-1988. My daughter and her family live there. My next visit to Tucson is beginning of December.

Anyone want a raft-up? Or at least a meet-up?
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