Hello Lee

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Lee may be offshore, but it's a beautiful day in Mystic. 20230914_163027.jpg
Looking much better. Some wind but much like we see with winter storms. Some rain. How much surge will depend on when it hits relative to the tides but so far looks favorable. Worst case ~4’. Se biggest problem being ground is supersaturated so trees are vulnerable.
On our way into Newport now, after breakfast at Mystic Island Marina (Kitchen Little). I had forgotten, but when we bought our boat in Somerset, MA and motored it to Albany for shipping, we stopped at this marina to gas up before the run on LI Sound. They had a great selection of spare parts, bulbs etc. for what looks like such a small marina store. Breakfast was fantastic. Still a beautiful day but the wind is picking up. We were able to rebook a sail with a different company this afternoon, still going out, so far. Brisk sail.
Hmmm, we're leaving tomorrow afternoon for the Newport Boat Show. Looks like we'll probably get rained-on for Saturday, but that's not the end of the world -- if that's all it is. I see the current model still shows a likely path well north and east (Nova Scotia/New Brunswick). I've become so cynical and skeptical though about weather reporting in the general media. They do love a crisis, including throwing around relatively new weather language like "bomb cyclone." I just hope we get that good dinner at the Black Pearl and a bourbon at the Fastnet Bar.

How's the show shaping up? Post some pictures if you can.
No trees down. No grid loss. No storm surge. Not much wind. A big nothing. Going to the show tomorrow.
So with the wave related fatality in Manasquan, doesn’t that make Lee a killer storm?
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