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The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
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Mr. Peter B. No highjack at all. A natural progression...


Didn't work for THIS smoker...

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Remember, "There is only do...or not do...there is no try". I find that quite a good one-liner when encouraging someone to quit smoking.
Sorry, thread hijack over....

I've smoked for 55 years and have tried everything to quit, without success. I am now starting my sixth week off tobacco (cigarettes) and I owe it all to E-Cigarettes. Google them.


  • E-Cigarettes Photos.jpg
    E-Cigarettes Photos.jpg
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" A bit like those 5 stars McDonald's employees get - we know they are only stars, but people just love getting them!"

I'll see your Mc Donald's 5 stars, and raise you a Michelin one star. :socool:
0 posts - In a Tropic Port
5 posts - Aboard a Tiny Ship
20 posts - Rough Seas Ahead or Castaway or No phone, No lights...

Janet, really? Have you been at the cooking wine again? :facepalm:
Janet, really? Have you been at the cooking wine again? :facepalm:

No - but is that an offer??

Technically it was suggested here. Not my idea at all but quite brilliant, nevertheless. We've just fleshed out the concept a bit as it's a great idea. I can just see the howls from new members saying "What the hell - my names NOT Mary Ann, what are you people thinking; that's just defamatory.... " etc Some folks are surprisingly humourless....:ermm:
Ms. J. Technicalities aside, why Gilligan's Island? Nautical theme? McHale's Navy has been suggested but why not The Love boat? Mork and Mindy (Mork arrived via space SHIP), 3rd Rock From the Sun and My Favorite Martian likewise. Don't even get me started on Seinfeld, Friends or Frasier-Rubbish all. (MY opinion).
If one pursues the SHIP theme even further....Star Trek (in all it's manifestations), Star Wars, or Battlestar Galactica.
Either self appointed titles or an "out" option is the way to go although I think, with all due respect, newbie or new member should be retained for a period of time. 25 posts perhaps? THEN the new member titles themselves or not.
As to post count? Why not? As has been mentioned, a new member should be able to sense in fairly short order what information, NOT based on post # to filter and use. Hopefully they will avoid any mistakes, even minor, following erroneous opinions/information.


Umm, RT is that the TF version of the Life of Pi?
Maybe we should have our Meyers-Briggs personality type listed under our names. ENTP.
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