Hendo's Randall 35 Cray Boat complete rebuild, Perth, Western Australia

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Those two pictures from Larry M about some it up. You have done a remarkable job.

Well done.

Thanks Andy. It was also through the support and advice form you guys that made it happen so for that you all must be thanked too. I appreciated everyone’s comments and advice.
So glad to see Solstice in the water and being used.

But seeing you back on the forum is a great Xmas present! Hope you’re healthy and doing well my friend. Please hang around and fill us all in on how life has treating you!
Any new projects in the works?


Awww thanks guys. Yeah I’ve missed talking with you. Live is going really well over here. How are you and your family?
So glad to see Solstice in the water and being used.

But seeing you back on the forum is a great Xmas present! Hope you’re healthy and doing well my friend. Please hang around and fill us all in on how life has treating you!
Any new projects in the works?


Ohhh I just noticed that my better half is from Nevada like you guys!
Never seen a thread leap back to life like this did when Hendo reappeared. Welcome back, Solstice is looking great and much loved, and you have a wonderful well deserved new life!
You look gorgeous together, wish you the best happiness, enjoy life with her this is the most important.
On your german toy, sorry the wheel is on the wrong side as well as the engine is on the wrong end lol :flowers:
(But still it is a very nice toy)


Thanks Lou. Definitely batting out of my league with this one haha.

Haha yeah I’m happy with the wheels current location. Keen to try a left hand drive car one day tho.
Never seen a thread leap back to life like this did when Hendo reappeared. Welcome back, Solstice is looking great and much loved, and you have a wonderful well deserved new life!

lol hey mate. Good to see you’re still around.
Hey Matt,
Nice house! What is your porch made out of and is that a finish on there or water?
Mr. H. My end? No more trawler. 27' power cat. Twin 150 Yamaha.


Awww thanks guys. Yeah I’ve missed talking with you. Live is going really well over here. How are you and your family?

At first i was wondering who the guy was in the pictures… you sure did slim down considerably. And that family of yours, what a site! I’m so happy for you and all that happened over the last few years. The renovation to your new home is awesome, nice touch!

What part of Nevada is your sweetheart from?

The wife and I are doing fine. We sold the boat almost 2 years ago after cruising for over 7 years, over 20K NM down through the Panama Canal and up to the East coast of USA. Covid hampered our ability to travel as much as we wanted but we did tick a few items on the bucket list off.

We decided to move out of of the big city (Las Vegas) and started developing a little parcel of land about an hour North of LV. So far the house and shop are pretty much completed, but plenty of projects to keep me busy.

As Forrest would say, “Life’s a box of Chocolates” and you my friend have landed a sweet life!

Cheers buddy and Merry Xmas!
Hey Matt,
Nice house! What is your porch made out of and is that a finish on there or water?

Hi mate,
90 x 19 Merbau decking and it’s oiled with intergrain. It’s shiny because it was just coated. It has a low sheen now. Below is pic once it has dried and has water on it


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Cats + outboards work VERY well. That's how I will do ours if the current engines give us any kind of grief! Welcome back Hendo. This forum is a nice place, indeed.
At first i was wondering who the guy was in the pictures… you sure did slim down considerably. And that family of yours, what a site! I’m so happy for you and all that happened over the last few years. The renovation to your new home is awesome, nice touch!

What part of Nevada is your sweetheart from?

The wife and I are doing fine. We sold the boat almost 2 years ago after cruising for over 7 years, over 20K NM down through the Panama Canal and up to the East coast of USA. Covid hampered our ability to travel as much as we wanted but we did tick a few items on the bucket list off.

We decided to move out of of the big city (Las Vegas) and started developing a little parcel of land about an hour North of LV. So far the house and shop are pretty much completed, but plenty of projects to keep me busy.

As Forrest would say, “Life’s a box of Chocolates” and you my friend have landed a sweet life!

Cheers buddy and Merry Xmas!

lol yeah slimmed down a bit. Lost 50kgs so far. I still have another 10kgs to go but it’s a works in progress. Haven’t felt this good since my 20s lol.

Cristi was a school teacher before from Las Vegas before moving to Australia. Awesome to hear you and your wife are going well. What’s it like being on land. 200kn wow! What’s an awesome adventure! When I read that you were in Nevada I was like ummm where’s the water lol. I’ve never been but heard about it but thought it was closer to the ocean than I was told haha.
Cats + outboards work VERY well. That's how I will do ours if the current engines give us any kind of grief! Welcome back Hendo. This forum is a nice place, indeed.

Aww thanks mate. Nice to be back. Does having twin hull change how you operate the vessel?

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