Hi everyone, Ducatihottie here, (Brian)

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Airstream I forgot how to email one personally on this site.

Everyone should be real thankful I never learns to send picture here. But, that's okay for soon Yahoo will eliminate all of these sites.
Plenty of folks single hand boats bigger than yours.

Plan well in advance what you want to do and how you’ll do it.
Prepare lines and fenders in advance.
If things aren’t going as planned, it’s usually wisest to back out and start over. Figure out why it didn’t go as planned and then don’t do that again.
Watch how others dock boats, good or bad. Observe why it was one or the other.

In your case, if the gunnel is too high, make or buy a step or ladder that hangs over the side midship so you can get off without jumping. Run bow and stern lines toward midship outside of railings and half hitch to something. Step off boat with a midship line in hand and cleat to dock. The boat cannot now get away from you. Grab the convenient bitter end of the stern line and cleat to the dock. Do likewise to the bow line. Set springs as needed. Done. Of course easier said than done but, that’s the gist of it.
Brian, ref the left-hand pic in your post #43...

Looks like... if you can position a line at the end of your finger pier, up in the air enough to easily/quickly grab it from onboard with a boat-hook, you could use that to dock bow-in -- with just that one line.

Pre-measure the line from the cleat on the end of the finger pier... running forward to your mid-ship's cleat. Make sure the overall length of the line wont let you bounce your bow off the concrete pier.

When you return to the slip, grab that line with a boat hook, amble (the boat) forward until all slack is out (line is taut), you're docked. Everything else is just tidying up.

The spring principle is that forward power on the boat, and a pre-measured length of line, will cause the port side of the boat to snug up against the finger pier.

All you gotta do it get you or your wifey (or other crew) close enough to grab the pre-positioned line end... and then put it on your mid-ship or preferably an aft/mid-ship cleat. (If that midship cleat is too far forward, further forward progress might cause the stern to kick out a bit more than you'd want it to.)

Looks like there's some kind of black thing sticking up in the air at the end of your finger pier? I mention it because it reminded me of things called mooring whips... which can be used to hold a line up in the air, easy presentation for a quick pick-up by boot-hook. Around here, guys often just use some PVC with some elbows to cobble something together, but in your case you'll just have to solve how to attach something like that to the dock (finger pier).

Once you can visualize that...

There's another way to do essentially the same thing, with a single crew but but without a pre-positioned/pre-measured line. Figure that out; when you solve it, you're on your way toward progress...

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Ducati, welcome back. Don't be embarrassed, if any of us listened to our own advice none of us would ever own a boat! ;)

If you have the time, Peggy's book "Getting Rid of Boat Odors" is an excellent resource. The TLDR version is: use fresh water toilets, empty the tank often, ensure the tank has good ventilation and don't put anything down there that kills off the "good" bacteria.

We use NoFlex Digestor to help oxygenate the contents of our tank and to help keep it sludge free.. Works well. You can buy it on Amazon but it's cheaper at Fisheries in Freemont.

Curious if you've ever used Thetford's "Aqua-Kem?" and how NoFlex compares?

Let me know what hospital you practice at so I can avoid it if I need your type of services.

As for your number 1. I have two boats, one two miles down the road and the other in charter in the Caribbean. My wife of 39 years hates them both. She was fine with boats for our first 30 or 35 years. We chartered in Australia and French Polynesia, all over the Caribbean and cruised to all the Hawaiian Islands

Your number 2. Yes, faking an accident to kill your wife is not a good idea. Check her policy. If you are the beneficiary you may not be entitled to receive the proceeds if it can be proven that you intentionally caused her death. Your post may be used as evidence.

Better just live with your problems.
Making maneuvering a non issue is all about planning and practice. Everybody’s nervous and wants to stay out of the water. When we moved from our 30’ sunbridge (After 29 years) to our Bayliner 38, I bought a pair of wireless headsets. They keep the stress out of our voices and status between positions is much more accurate. No raised voices to be heard.
My step brother has a similar boat and, at 72, handles it by himself. That said, he grew up boating, as did I. Until a couple of years ago I single handed my 38, but I’ve had a long series of spinal surgeries that have my mobility limited. I used to single hand the sunbridge the locks. My point is, it can be done. The Admiral has two new hips and is no longer comfortable stepping off on to a dock or setting the fenders so we have been taking family and friends with us. This year has been particularly challenging due to the virus.
The Admiral loves to sew and quilt so I bought her a basic machine for the boat. On some passages she sets up the machine in the salon and keeps it humming. It’s about finding a way for both of us to enjoy time together. She loves to shop, I plan stops so she can.
The advice about joining a yacht club is spot on. It’s a matter of finding one that fits you and you fit in. PM me and I’d be happy to help you with that. Obviously the face to face aspects are problematic, but can be safely worked though. Edmonds Yacht Club has regular meetings and social events on zoom and it’s been a great way to stay connected. The network you gain isn’t another thing to take up time, we’ve found it to be a social enhancement. There are retired members who are always looking for an excuse for a boat ride, and were I physically able, I’d be there.
Last item, follow Peggy’s advice, cross flow ventilation for your tank and her recipe for keeping it clean. I eliminated my Y valve and repurposed the hull fitting as the second vent. You aren’t going to discharge directly overboard anyway, why not have a way to confuse the USCG when they ask to see what you have eliminated.
Two engines are usually better than one. However, if the functioning engine is pushing to the opposite way you want into a slip it’s a good time to have friends or a capable deck hand. Seriously, with a single going slow a deck hand should be able to keep you off of other boats. Don’t panic and do everything at an idle. Ninety nine percent of the time that will keep you out of serious trouble.
OK, so my bad. But we (other medical people, like doctors) were always taught when posting/publishing medical literature not to use acronyms that were not well-defined at first in the same article (read post) first. I haven't got too far in this post yet, so you may have already defined it, but wtf is BCS? Please!!

42 foot CHB Ponderosa at Fisherman's Terminal in Seattle.

While I gained a boatload of information from EVERYONE here, I abandoned the site out of embarrassment.


I bit off more than I can handle in such a short time. I'm in Respiratory Medicine, (my patients are dying left and right). Plus as you know, I'm new at boating. As all have warned me here this boating thing is a huge undertaking, (I'm spending money left and right on her).

Furthermore my wife is unemployed and she likes 'BTS" more than me and my boat. I bought this boat on two incomes and now we're down to one and I barf overboard daily.

1. Do any of you own a boat with a wife who doesn't give a hoot?? I know as a fact I can't convince her to enjoy my new love, "Kon Teaki".

And yes I tried turning her onto Ozzy's, "Under The Graveyard" instead of BTS with no success. It turns out she hates me more.

I'm thinking about having her jump off my elevated boat while docking just for her life insurance plan.

2. Good idea or bad?

And now for my stupid question below as questions 1 and 2 above are rock solid.

1. I place in a few drops of this "Escentuals hand soap" into my toilet. I then I fill it with a 24 pack of Rainer Beer pee in about 32 minutes, (not kidding it smells fruity with the soap). FRUITY PEEEEE!

Will adding a few drops of soap ruin my poopy box? It works better than, "eco smart" and that "porta pak" stuff. Can soap bubbles hurt a dark water tank.

Nice talking. If you'll still have me, I have a bunch more stupid stupid questions much better than above.

Boo hoo me, Thanks.
I think you mean BTS. Some Asian boy band IIRC.

I'd recommend you stop reading now though. This thread is a hot mess.
OK, so my bad. But we (other medical people, like doctors) were always taught when posting/publishing medical literature not to use acronyms that were not well-defined at first in the same article (read post) first. I haven't got too far in this post yet, so you may have already defined it, but wtf is BCS? Please!!
I think I missed the resignation, or it got lost in the mists of what I call memory.
It`s sad someone left due to embarrassment. Some thought the questions asked and help sought suggested catfishing because a lot of it was so elementary. It`s not beyond the bounds of possibilities.

In hindsight, our OP tried to run before walking, and kept tripping over. Combine that with an extroverted and humorous personality, things got messy. We tried to help,we did help, but patience wore thin.
I think it`s sad if we could not help someone who was deep in the trenches fighting Covid, but I think there were maybe too many questions, and not enough knowledge to appreciate often good answers.
I for one regret we could not help enough, and accept it`s not just on TF. But people vary, knowledge varies, attitudes vary,understanding varies,it was and still is hard times, and I`ve said too much already
Yes, I believe you may have. Not sure where to go with this. Don't abandon the site. Just keep it simple. What do you need help on. I'm another medical guy. Lose acronyms and ask the question!! OK? I don't know what BTS is. WTF!

42 foot CHB Ponderosa at Fisherman's Terminal in Seattle.

While I gained a boatload of information from EVERYONE here, I abandoned the site out of embarrassment.


I bit off more than I can handle in such a short time. I'm in Respiratory Medicine, (my patients are dying left and right). Plus as you know, I'm new at boating. As all have warned me here this boating thing is a huge undertaking, (I'm spending money left and right on her).

Furthermore my wife is unemployed and she likes 'BTS" more than me and my boat. I bought this boat on two incomes and now we're down to one and I barf overboard daily.

1. Do any of you own a boat with a wife who doesn't give a hoot?? I know as a fact I can't convince her to enjoy my new love, "Kon Teaki".

And yes I tried turning her onto Ozzy's, "Under The Graveyard" instead of BTS with no success. It turns out she hates me more.

I'm thinking about having her jump off my elevated boat while docking just for her life insurance plan.

2. Good idea or bad?

And now for my stupid question below as questions 1 and 2 above are rock solid.

1. I place in a few drops of this "Escentuals hand soap" into my toilet. I then I fill it with a 24 pack of Rainer Beer pee in about 32 minutes, (not kidding it smells fruity with the soap). FRUITY PEEEEE!

Will adding a few drops of soap ruin my poopy box? It works better than, "eco smart" and that "porta pak" stuff. Can soap bubbles hurt a dark water tank.

Nice talking. If you'll still have me, I have a bunch more stupid stupid questions much better than above.

Boo hoo me, Thanks.

I think I missed the resignation, or it got lost in the mists of what I call memory.
It`s sad someone left due to embarrassment. Some thought the questions asked and help sought suggested catfishing because a lot of it was so elementary. It`s not beyond the bounds of possibilities.

In hindsight, our OP tried to run before walking, and kept tripping over. Combine that with an extroverted and humorous personality, things got messy. We tried to help,we did help, but patience wore thin.
I think it`s sad if we could not help someone who was deep in the trenches fighting Covid, but I think there were maybe too many questions, and not enough knowledge to appreciate often good answers.
I for one regret we could not help enough, and accept it`s not just on TF. But people vary, knowledge varies, attitudes vary,understanding varies,it was and still is hard times, and I`ve said too much already
Yes, I believe you may have. Not sure where to go with this. Don't abandon the site. Just keep it simple. What do you need help on. I'm another medical guy. Lose acronyms and ask the question!! OK? I don't know what BTS is. WTF!

Jumping in here and throwing "WTF's" around, in my opinion, is not the way to strike up a constructive and courteous conversation with people you haven't known for a long time. I've only been on this forum for a year, but it's my observation that TF functions best with courteous and constructive conversation. It also makes for less "#%"%& for readers to wade through in order to get answers to their questions.
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I think some members require being read with substantially more humor than others.

Hmmmm, just like people.
You assume motives .... not in evidence!

Screen name says it all!

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