Huge solar/lithium system powers A/C

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Valued Technical Contributor
Aug 17, 2012
Here is a first class solar system big enough to power two A/Cs using Battle Born lithium batteries: Wind & Sun&dm_i=4T6X,87IT,21NAT6,UVYO,1

Yes it is on an RV but the same thing could be done on a boat if it had enough roof area. Note that it cost $21,000 total or $15,000 after tax credits.

So you can power your air conditioner with solar; but it costs a lot of money to do so.

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Very nice.

Silent maintenance free power that can run the AC. You back out the cost of a generator the price doesn't seem to bad.
That's 12kW-h of lithium at full charge. As a comparison, a Telsa S has 100kW-h, and the new MINI cooper EV has 35kW-h.

Of course, the issue remains how to charge after a night of hot weather and the following cloudy day.
I agree that it’s not that big. My home system is 18kwh (nameplate rating) and is probably on the small side for typical sizing guidelines which usually call for 3 days of power.
Very doable since it is only 2kW of panels. But why was it necessary to go 3-phase?
I read "split phase"; which will run 240/120V. In the area when writing about "sync up".
Gone with the Wynns, air conditioning on their boat with lithium batteries. Jump to the four minute mark to save some time:

Here is a first class solar system big enough to power two A/Cs using Battle Born lithium batteries: Wind & Sun&dm_i=4T6X,87IT,21NAT6,UVYO,1

Yes it is on an RV but the same thing could be done on a boat if it had enough roof area. Note that it cost $21,000 total or $15,000 after tax credits.

So you can power your air conditioner with solar; but it costs a lot of money to do so.


i can buy a lot of diesel fuel for $21,000 or $15,000
Curiously, a single gallon of diesel gets you 12kWh from a small genset.

But, maybe the larger purpose is missed. It takes the bold, well healed few, to start a revolution. Today's PV panels and energy storage devices will be constantly improved. And, if you are already setup, the incremental improvements in technology will be easier to implement. The herd will follow when it is makes sense for them to adopt.
I wish you guys would buy a lot more Li batteries. Since I "invested" in a lithium ETF 2 years ago, thinking it was a critical material potentially in short supply, the ETF price has only gone down in an up market!!! What am I missing???
I think the investment trick is the IP around the Li battery process. But, which one.
OTOH, you might look at He. that seems to be the element of demand with very unclear supply.
Recent evolution in production of sheet graphene will change a lot in the drive for more efficient solar energy production, transmission & storage. Consequently, I find myself hesitating over and over to pull the trigger on a complete system I planned years ago.

When Cardude’s boat got clobbered down in the Abacos, he had just installed a brand new 600 watt, dual controller system on it. I keep thinking I should have offered him 50 bucks for it as the storm approached and then flew down to save it before it blew away.:ermm:
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