Hull cleaning

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Oct 2, 2021
Vessel Name
Random wake
Vessel Make
76’ CHB 34’ tricabin
Hi there!

Curious about cleaning the hull I’ve got the boat out of the water for the winter. Is it best to clean the hull when it’s fresh out of the salt water. Or is it beneficial to let the algae and barnicles die and clean it in the spring before bottom painting.

Also how often should the bottom be painted?

I’ve heard that some anti fouling paint isn’t supposed dry too long before the boat back in the water.. true?
Some self polishing and maybe ablative paints have short drying periods. But a fresh coat or light sanding refreshes some of them.

I think pressure washing when the boat is fresh out of the water is the easiest to clean. Pretty sure well dried barnacles and other calcium covered critters become very hard to blast off and slightly harder to scrape off when dried out.

As far as painting way to tell...only a local with experience with your paint and manufacturers literature can come close to an accurate answer and even that is based on your paint job, boat usage, current in your slip, whether you scrub during the season, etc...etc....
Up here all bottoms get cleaned on haulout whether painting is planned or not. At least where I have hauled.
Up here all bottoms get cleaned on haulout whether painting is planned or not. At least where I have hauled.

Same here. Every boat gets at least a quick powerwash from the yard guys when it comes out of the water. If time permits they'll usually give the hull sides a scrub with soap too.
Better to clean it immediately so the growth doesn’t get hard.
Agree with cleaning ASAP after lifting. And it`s when any osmosis blisters are most evident.
Better to clean immediately, it will be much harder later.

On paint, it depends on the paint. Some will go completely inactive if out of the water for very long, others are fine with it. You need to consult the paint manufacturers literature to know.
Clean immediately after hauling out.

Some paints oxidize after about 48 hours from painting, so best to read the instructions. Some paints can be very lightly sanded to remove the oxidation layer for another season of use. Read the instructions or contact the manufacturer.


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