I named my boat FlyWright as an easy-to-pronounce name and a triple entendre. I have always worked in aviation since learning to fly in high school. I've worked from the bottom up...starting at cleaning hangar floors to aircraft parts department manager, pilot, flight instructor, charter pilot, air traffic controller and ultimately FAA navaids flight inspection pilot. In that job, we had authority to certify (or de-certify) all private and public civil and military navigation systems, lighting aids, radars, comms, etc. So "wright", meaning worker, fit the bill. The capital "W" is a nod to my personal heroes, the Wright Brothers, whose inventions changed my life. Since I worked for the FAA and as a flight instructor, I spent my lifetime helping other pilots 'fly right'. So it hits the triple entendre mark.
My first dingy was named "Straighten Up" as in the song, "Straighten Up and Fly Right". When I got the second dink, it was larger, faster and a drier ride so I named it "Better Straighten Up" as in "Better Straighten Up and FlyWright!" When I get around to putting the name on the dink, it will be printed upside down.