ICW, Florida Keys and T-Mobile

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Gordon J

Jul 23, 2015
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Didi Mau
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Currently looking for next boat
I am thinking of switching from Verizon to T-mobile for a saving of about $&0/month for unlimited data. Last trips down the ICW, using Verizon, we had coverage nearly everywhere. Does anyone have experience between Norfolk and Key West with T-Mobile?

Are you aware that Verizon has just announced an unlimited data plan plus cell usage for about $80/mo. Well, not totally unlimited, they slow you down after 22 GB. But still pretty good.

I only know about one spot along the ICW, Oriental, NC. There is no T-Mobile coverage for 10-20 miles along the ICW there. Verizon is ok, but sometimes fades a bit.

Thanks Dave. T-Mobile is now offering $150 per line per phone for transferring from another company. Unlimited data is $50/phone. I am tempted. I saw on the map I would not have coverage around Oriental and thanks for confirming that. Have you been all the way down the ICW with a Tp-mobile phone?

I am thinking of switching from Verizon to T-mobile for a saving of about $&0/month for unlimited data. Last trips down the ICW, using Verizon, we had coverage nearly everywhere. Does anyone have experience between Norfolk and Key West with T-Mobile?


There are fairly large areas of eastern NC with poor coverage. Actually throughout the state. The other area of poor T-Mobile coverage is areas of the Gulf of Mexico if you intend to continue on there. That area of eastern NC is a problem for all carriers. I had relatives who used Alltel there before their acquisition by Verizon and spin off of some areas to AT&T. I believe Verizon kept that area of Alltel which improved their coverage and has made it very good through most of the area. AT&T still has huge weaknesses in the area. Sprint's coverage through the area is horrible. If I was not going to stick with Verizon, and I probably would stick with Verizon, then T-Mobile would be a reasonable alternative.

Full disclosure: I have a business that sells Sprint products and T-Mobile products. We do regularly carry cell phones of those and of other carriers as we cruise to compare and check.

I just went through the ICW north, from Florida last spring. Had no troubles except the Alligator River-Pungo River Canal, using Verizon.


I just went through the ICW north, from Florida last spring. Had no troubles except the Alligator River-Pungo River Canal, using Verizon.


Makes sense. I believe Verizon benefited greatly in that region when they bought Alltel a few years ago.

Generally for those cruising large areas of the country, Verizon still has the best coverage.
Mr. GJ. Have used T-mobile from Chesapeake, VA to Marathon, FL. No data use, only phone. Very satisfied with both the plan and the rates.
Greetings Mr. Firefly,

That is exactly what I was hoping to hear.

Going through the same thought process for switching from Verizon to T-mobile 3 lines (3rd line to be used as a mobile hot spot data unlimited), for $140 per month. Plus $150 per line rebate to switch. Same phones with $1 new sim cards. Wondering if I would regret it (coverage wise) on the Loop this summer?

Here is a rather good comparison of the carriers:


T-Mobile is very aggressive and has made huge strides. One of the best things is that the competition is fierce and all four providers are improving every day.

All of that is real nice for cities and densely populated areas, that's not where most of us cruise. The issue is outside of those areas where less than 10% of the population live. Would be great if there was a web site that compared data coverage by zip code. Punch in a zip code and see how service is from the different carriers.

Mr. OC. Good point. When I mentioned I only uses T-mobile for phone service, it was indeed in or around cities. Never made any phone calls in or from the boonies...
All of that is real nice for cities and densely populated areas, that's not where most of us cruise. The issue is outside of those areas where less than 10% of the population live. Would be great if there was a web site that compared data coverage by zip code. Punch in a zip code and see how service is from the different carriers.


It's pretty easy to pull up multiple maps and compare for areas. I have found their maps to be pretty accurate. In fact, I've picked up signals where they show no coverage at times.
Mr. OC. Good point. When I mentioned I only uses T-mobile for phone service, it was indeed in or around cities. Never made any phone calls in or from the boonies...

T-Mobile is very strong on the East Coast and in the Eastern US. Very weak in the Western Half of the country.

Thanks for the link. I guess I still have a bit of the sailboater in me, but I hate paying more than I have to.


Thanks for the link. I guess I still have a bit of the sailboater in me, but I hate paying more than I have to.


Most people do. That's why it's all changed. Boost, Virgin, Metro PCS, and T-Mobile turned the market upside down. Then Sprint went hard and heavy and now Verizon and AT&T have to follow. Something I've learned is that people do not want overages under any conditions and want a fixed rate, the lowest they can get that will cover them. Now, the thing I've also learned that does not apply to this group, is that the majority of people travel very little.
One of the reasons I went with T-mobile is one can purchase blocks of time with no expiry limit (well, maybe a year). 100 minutes for X$. I had AT&T previously and I paid ?$/mos for so many minutes BUT if I didn't use them, I lost them. Plus, while the monthly rate for so many minutes was reasonable, IF you went over the limit you had to pay through the nose.

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