In Memoriam - Codger2/Walt

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Apr 15, 2008
California Delta
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
1977 Marshall Californian 34 LRC

It makes me sad and reminiscent to inform TF that our long-time friend and fellow trawlerman, Walt Poulson (Codger2) passed away unexpectedly on September 10, 2022 at 3PM of heart issues. He leaves behind his wife, Renee, and a loving family including his son, his daughter and his sister, among many other family and friends.

Walt joined TF about 15 years ago under the screenname "SeaHorse II" until he sold his cherished and pampered 32' Halversen Gourmet Cruiser, SeaHorse II, and changed his screenname to Codger2. He was a regular on TF sharing knowledge, experiences and information and also learned much from the many contributors here. Walt hosted many of us TFers during our visits to San Diego on his boats and in his home over the years.

During his many years of boating, Walt loved and pampered ten boats in his personal fleet. After selling his Halvorsen (#8), Walt purchased an OA42 (#9) so he could enjoy fast runs to Catalina Island with his boating buds. He eventually sold that and went all-electric with his 2021 Duffy 22 Cuddy Cabin (#10) and absolutely loved that boat! He kept his boating mojo flowing right to up to the end.


Walt was always happy on the water. He was Navy enlisted and served aboard ships in the Pacific Fleet, as I recall. He was also very involved in the effort to bring the USS Midway to San Diego to be restored as a museum.

As I think back on my times shared with Walt on the water and in his home in San Diego, I am reminded of this thread that Walt started on TF when he was losing his desire for boating. Some of us saw it as a call to arms for our TF brother in order to keep his feet wet. As I read through the thread again, I can't help but smile at the good times we had together.

In Oct 2012, on my very last night 'on the road' in my flying career, I found myself in San Diego, my former hometown and home to Walt and Renee. Walt and his close friend, Rear Adm. Riley Mixson, hosted me for dinner at the San Diego Yacht Club for a great night that I'll always cherish. The next day, I flew the plane home after the final day's work and hung up my wings.

I'll always remember Walt with a smile. Thanks for the great times together, my friend. May the Good Lord welcome you with open arms.


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My condolences to his family and friends.
Thanks Al for posting about Walt. Walt was a solid water guy having spent time in the navy doing many things including being a rescue guy doing recovery of carrier pilots from a helicopter. Walt and his wife were very cordial and decent folks. We will miss him.
Rest in peace Walt. Always good to read your perspective in so many threads.

Such an unfortunate loss. In my short time on TF, I always thought Walt was a great contributor and was good at providing stabilizing ”ballast” on some threads that got a bit out of control. My condolences to the family.
Thanks Al for posting about Walt. Walt was a solid water guy having spent time in the navy doing many things including being a rescue guy doing recovery of carrier pilots from a helicopter. Walt and his wife were very cordial and decent folks. We will miss him.

Walt had innate leadership qualities that one cannot learn in school. Walt and Renee were most welcoming and fun people to be around.

Walt was a self-made man who treated all with respect and dignity. He also had a great sense of humor. We shared many a laugh together.
RIP Walt

Thanks for your detailed posts Al.
Al, thank you for your thoughtful obituary. A sad loss. Fortunately, Walt enjoyed his life of boating right to the unexpected end.
He was highly regarded on TF for his fine, measured, thoughtful posts,and will be missed. Best thoughts to his family and friends.
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