Interesting boats

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I like everything about the Gerr boat except the lack of a swim platform (a "must have") and no flying bridge (a "rather have'). That aft deck is to die for though!

Canoe sterns have advantages in following seas, just gotta get creative with the swim platform thing.
Looking at the Gerr Marine Naval Architects and Yacht Designers pictures showing her at speed, the rooster tail stern wave and the deep trough midships do not look particularly efficient to me ...

Better photos for sure.

The stern bump is from the tunnel. When not moving, I think the top part of the prop is out of the water...the hull moving through the water forces water up into the tunnel.

Our boat is of the normal flat stern semi-displacement type. I went to the swim step once at cruising speed to fill a pot with water, and grabbed the rail fully expecting the pot to be pulled away from me by water rushing away from the boat. Much to my surprise, that didn't happen because of the great volume of water at the stern being pulled along at the same speed as the boat. Not very efficient.

This design wouldn't do that, in fact it would probably rip the pot out of your hands! Also, it's sitting fairly flat in the water...our boat would be trying to climb a ridiculously steep hill.
I just perused the last 5 or 6 pages of this post, as I occasionally do. I followed the links to Yachtworld a couple times.

One thing jumps out at me. Boat prices are crashing!

If you are thinking of buying a boat, now, or soon is the time.

If you are trying to sell a boat, ouch!

I just perused the last 5 or 6 pages of this post, as I occasionally do. I followed the links to Yachtworld a couple times.

One thing jumps out at me. Boat prices are crashing!

If you are thinking of buying a boat, now, or soon is the time.

If you are trying to sell a boat, ouch!


Too bad I cant get the Lord Nelson Victory Tug for $100K less POUT I think there were a rowdy crowd and fist fight around that boat. LOL
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Oh Lord, that Lord Nelson. The richness of that lumberous environment. I love it so.
I didn’t know they made those Victory tugs that big. I thought they were all some 38 footers. Neat.
That Lord Nelson is very nice! The only thing I'm not comfortable with is the angle of that wing engine. Any amount of a down angle transmission would have been a big improvement.

That Lord Nelson is very nice! The only thing I'm not comfortable with is the angle of that wing engine. Any amount of a down angle transmission would have been a big improvement.


I was thinking the same thing! Seemed like a very dramatic angle to me.

Ted are you still heading north before hurricane season?
Interesting listing on YW..... Really like the edge treatment on the table.


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Mr. o. Does the pig come with the boat? Interesting choice of pets. OK, NO bacon jokes please.

thanks for pointing out the pig. Emergency supplies?
Soon they will need a ramp for the pig.
Now there's a conversation starter! Not many pigs seen on boats - I wonder if they make good burglar alarms like a small dog would?

I had a neighbor when I lived out in ranch land and he had to lock up his little pig in a covered cage at night, otherwise the huge owls out there would attack it. I wonder if out on a boat if the sharks can smell yummy bacon walking around up on deck???
Reminds me of a farmer joke from long ago:

A travelling salesman drove past a farm one day and noticed a pig with one wooden leg. He didn't think much of it until a week later, driving by the same farm, the pig had two wooden legs. The third week, the pig had three wooden legs, and finally, after seeing the pig the fourth week with four wooden legs, he had to stop to inquire about it.

He tracked down the farmer and asked him about the strange sight. The farmer told him, "Well, that's the greatest pig alive. About a month ago, he saved my wife and kids and me from our burning house by waking us up in the middle of the night just in time to escape without any harm!"

The salesman continue to prod the farmer about the pig's wooden legs. "Well," the farmer replied, "this pig is just like one of the family. He's a really great pig. A couple of weeks ago, our youngest boy fell in the creek, and this truly wonderful pig fished him out just in time to save him from drowning! He's one really great pig!"

The salesman, starting to lose his patience, again inquired about the wooden legs, to which the farmer replied, "Last week, I fell off my horse and my foot got caught up in the stirrup. This great pig ran along side of the horse and me and untangled me and truly saved my life. What a great pig - the greatest pig in the world!!"

Losing his patience, the salesman finally shouted, "All right already, That's enough! He's a really great pig - a REALLY great pig! But what about his wooden legs?!"

To which the farmer replied, "Well now, a great pig like that - you don't eat him all at once!"
Interesting listing on YW..... Really like the edge treatment on the table.

So is this the boat Fred is looking at with the 8.2L detroit's ?

We all know pigs cannot fly but do the float?

I cant imagine picking one up to get it in a dinghy to go ashore to do it's business.
It does look like a lot of boat for the buck.

Interesting listing on YW..... Really like the edge treatment on the table.

The table is nice, but the thing that really caught my eye was the pigsty!
You won’t find many yachts sporting one of those...
So is this the boat Fred is looking at with the 8.2L detroit's ?

We all know pigs cannot fly but do the float?

I cant imagine picking one up to get it in a dinghy to go ashore to do it's business.
It does look like a lot of boat for the buck.


Actually....A guy I knew in the mid 1980's had done some research and found that sailors in the days of sail believed that hogs and roosters were two animals that were frequently embarked and didn't drown at sea. So, being the good petty officer he was, he had one tattooed on the top of either foot. It was perhaps, a somewhat more superstitious time....
Mr. o. Does the pig come with the boat? Interesting choice of pets. OK, NO bacon jokes please.

I'm guessing there are more pigs in the bilge. This is not a new concept. The sailing ships of yesteryear would drop by the Galapagos islands and fill their holds with tortoises. They could live for a year without food or water and would provide tortoise soup for the crew for the whole journey. I believe those tortoises are now protected or some such thing, but pigs aren't!
FF, I haven't seen any twinnings for sale in Boats-n-Harbor or other pubs. Any idea of a source? Are they rather straight forward to open up and overhaul by a good marine gear mechanic?

Twins to single are easy to work on and you can do maintenance on either engine while still running on one. Pretty common around Asia but usually in boats over a 100'.
A few photos of a boat I used to work on.


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