Just finished reading all 54 "parts" to the Dead Ocean question and I must say, it is very interesting. Having sailed around the oceans, except Europe, I can say that I have indeed seen many "patches" of plastic floating around the Pacific and Atlantic oceans but have never seen anything resembling the "Islands of Plastic" that people mention. Although, I have not sailed in awhile so maybe it got worse? I also don't believe that there is any one group responsible for it, especially Japan. They had a terrible Natural Disaster that nobody could have prevented and to blame, if anyone, the Japanese people for that Texas sized "plastic island" is not fair. Anybody been in Rio DeJanero bay lately, I believe Brazil let's there raw sewage run directly into the Bay, and have seen 1st hand the murky condom filled brown waters of that bay. The Copa Cabana it is not. I read a lot of opinions on this topic in the past 54 posts and the one I believe to be most true is the fact that all counties , 1st, 2nd and 3rd world, need to help and if the so called 1st have more funds/knowledge to do so then so be it. I traveled through Brazil inland to the airport and I must say that it is down right sad to see how some people have to live. I always tell anyone who will listen, no matter how bad you think you got it (in the US), you have no idea what it is like to live in a 3rd world country. We, here in the US anyway, work to Play! Those in the so called 3rd world, they work to Eat! Most everybody here has the opportunity to make themselves better if they wish/want. Not many people living in "garden sheds" across those 3rd world countries have much of anything, let alone a choice to do better for themselves.
And on a Plastic note, not sure the exact date but as far back as the Early 90's at least, all US Flagged Vessels we required to burn there plastic. Not sure about other Flagged Vessels. When is the last time anybody saw a US Flagged Cruise Ship in port? That is because there are none, at least not to my knowledge, and that is because the US Coast Guard regulations are to "expensive" to follow, and US Crews are to expensive to hire.
Got a little long, but this is one thing I have seen 1st hand