Island Gypsy 32 deadrise angle

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Harry Gordon

Dec 16, 2013
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
Island Gypsy 32 (1987)
Hello everyone. I am new to the forum, having recently purchased a 1987 Island Gypsy 32.

Does anyone know the deadrise angle on the Island Gypsy 32? I am installing a transducer for a Furuno depth-sounder, and there are different models for deadrise angles of less that 15 degrees and over 15 degrees.

Deadrise is the angle of the bottom of the hull in a cross-section view of a boat.

I would appreciate any information that anyone can provide.
Probably less than 15 degrees as the IG is flatter than most. But you don't say where along the length of the hull the transducer is to be mounted.

Midships and aft probably less than 15 degrees. Actually probably less than 10 degrees.

Ideally you'll tell where along the length of the hull you intend to mount the transducer and someone here w an IG out of the water would take the time to measure the deadrise.

Make sure you mount the transducer to aim it's signal straight down and not at right angles to the bottom. I had a yard do that and made them do it over.
Not sure myself, however it may be useful to confirm if you have the 'traditional IG 32' or the Halvorsen Gourmet 32'.

I'm guessing you have the former.
Thanks for the prompt replies. I have a traditional IG 32. There is now a transponder for an old depth sounder on the boat. It is about 1/3 of the way from the stern to the bow. It is also about 1/3 the distance from the keel to the side of the hull. We will be placing the new one in that same hole.

Does anyone on the forum have an IG 32 on the hard now?

Welcome aboard Harry. I think the 32 has a better saloon layout than the 36, though they do vary. I can`t answer to your question, would measuring the inside angle help?

Measuring the inside angle is a great idea! It might not be exact, but I could certainly get an idea. Thanks for the suggestion.
It doesn't have to be exact to work well anyhow as the beam is not can be as much as 10 degrees off and it still works probably aren't rolling that bad when down to a few feet of water where it gets more critical.

many of the new ducers are adjustable, you can rotate them in their fittings...there are some that also have and angled beam and you just mount them where the pointers show so the beam is down but the flange is flush with the hull (angled)....
Since that hull most likely has a modified V bottom, best to measure the deadrise at the point of installation?
I have 2 boats w/ 2 sounders each, 2 flashers and 2 digitals. All are mounted inside the hull and "shoot" through the hull. They have been there for years and work perfectly sometimes (b/4 albative paint) through layers of bottom paint. No worries about special transducer paint, fouling, drag, or being knocked off by a log.
I'd go measure for you as our boat is on the hard, but it is 10°F , blowing hard and we just got a foot of snow. I'm staying in by the fire, probably til Spring now.

Our transducer is mounted to Starboard in the second bay between frames aft of the forward engine room bulkhead. (i.e. forward engine room bulkhead, bay, frame, then transducer in the next bay aft).
Not surprised at the snow but 10 degrees and blowing would keep me inside too. Rarely got to 10 degrees where we lived in Alaska!

Perhaps you have a picture that could be eyeballed?

Actually the OP could probably get inside his boat and take measurements like the slope of a roof w a small level. Learning the slope/pitch ratio should lead to the angle. Sounds like he only needs approximate anyway.

Stay warm and I love your avatar. Can you make it big?


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Thank you thank you David I can't get enough of that boat. Is she in good hands now? Sure hope so.

Maybe it has something to do w me being on my I-pad but your picture disappeared ...... It's gone.???????

Also Harry could use the thing RT posted in the bilge as easily as on the outside of the hull.
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Thank you thank you David I can't get enough of that boat. Is she in good hands now? Sure hope so.

Maybe it has something to do w me being on my I-pad but your picture disappeared ...... It's gone.???????

It did disappear. I was trying to re-post it a la Mark :D to take up the whole page but it must have been too big so I went back to a thumbnail.

Don't know if she is in good hands or not. We sold her about 5-6 years ago and she is on her third owner since then, one of which was a non-profit donee. Had brief contact with the third owner but nada recently. I fear for her future. If you want the pdf file I made of her when we sold her, I'd be glad to send it to you.
Hello Everyone,

Thanks to all for the many good suggestions. I measured the deadrise angle in the bilge today. It is between 11 and 12 degrees. It was not possible to get an exact measurement because the interior surface of the fiberglass is a bit uneven, giving different readings in slightly different places. Those who thought it would be less than 15 degrees were right. In any case, I have the answer I needed. I'll order the under 15 degrees transducer.
I enjoyed my first foray into the discussion, and I look forward to participating again in the future.
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