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Island Trader 46 for sale

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.

Mike Ondra

Nov 28, 2021
Northeast, MD
Vessel Name
Whiskey River
Vessel Make
Island Trader
1 FEB 2024

After over 35 years of owning numerous sailboats and doing ocean passages, my co-owner and I sought a comfortable vessel with which to cruise the ICW. We couldn’t quite stomach the transition to a straight up trawler and found the Island 1981 Trader 46 motor-sailer the perfect fit. As hands-on boaters, bringing a 40-year-old boat up to Bristol standards was enticing. With this current passage and cruising the Florida coast this winter, we will have achieved our purchase objectives. We are now selling this comfortable classic for delivery some time in 2024 to a new custodian.

We purchased Whiskey River in July of 2022. She was lying in Punta Gorda, FL lightly used by the owner over the previous 3 years as a floating condo. She was not being well used or maintained.

There were significant repairs and upgrades to the vessel over the 2015-2018 period. Work included: engine rebuilt, decks rebuilt, transom rebuilt, bottom job, bow thruster installed, fuel tank replaced with aluminum 128 gal., new 100 gal polyethylene water tank, new generator, new Xantrex battery charger, new water maker, new washing machine. 2 new heat pumps, new aft canvas/ss cockpit awning, secondary head installed, new (used) masts, chainplates, and new standing and running rigging.

This video represents the condition of the vessel in 2019

Upon purchase we delivered Whiskey River from Punta Gorda, FL to Rock Hall, MD via the Okeechobee Waterway, the Atlantic, ICW and Chesapeake Bay. This 1000 nm shakedown cruise gave us an intimate introduction to Whiskey River and identified items that needed immediate repairs as well as areas requiring further attention.

While on the hard in Rock Hall, all exterior brightwork was taken down to bare wood and refinished with a minimum of 12 coats of Epiphanes High Gloss Varnish. Propeller and cutlas bearing were disassembled and inspected. Bow thruster inspected. All zincs replaced. Bottom cleaned and 2 coats of Interlux Micron CSC applied. The bowsprit was completely rebuilt. Water pump and VHF antenna replaced.

Other major upgrades in 2022: New Ray Marine Axiom+ chart plotter and Quantum 2 Doppler radar, Pronautic 40 amp 3 bank battery charger, custom wood deck boxes, new curtains and cushion covers, rebuilt hydraulic steering piston, repacked rudder and prop shaft packing nuts, installed bonding wire to all through hull fittings, added secondary bilge pump, installed SparTite mast wedging and new mast boots, replaced and added various gauges, working on cleaning up and labeling all wiring.

We are in transit on the ICW planning to winter St Augustine, Florida. While we have thoroughly enjoyed Whiskey River, it is time for us to move on. We seek a loving buyer who will appreciate her heritage, style, spaciousness, and comfort. The master suite and extensive storage make Whiskey River the ideal liveaboard. If you have any interest in this classic motor-sailer, please PM me. mdondra@verizon.net or 610-442-7551. Price: $200K.

Mike Ondra

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